每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

No.5 孔子与捕鸟人 Confucius and the bird catcher

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This story is about Confucius who was a Chinese philosopher, politician, and teacher who lived 2,500 years ago. Confucianism was the main guiding philosophy of China for two thousand years. In the story, Confucius taught his disciples to choose carefully whom to follow. This story is selected from the book 《孔子家语》, translated as "Family Sayings of Confucius".

古文:选自《孔子家语 - 六本》

《孔子家语》, translated as "Family Sayings of Confucius", is a collection of discussions Confucius(孔子) had with his disciples and others, recorded by his disciples and written as a supplement to the Analects (论语). Although some scholars regarded it as a 3rd-century forgery by Wang Su, this conclusion has been overturned by archaeological discoveries. [Dingzhou 定州八角廊 (55 BC) and Shuanggudui 双古堆 (165 BC)] The value of the 《孔子家语》 is no less valuable than the Analects to the study of Confucius.