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No.4 鹬蚌相争 Chinese Short Stories《战国策》

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鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 : The fisherman takes advantage from the fight between the snipe and the clam.
[ The third party benefits from the conflict. ]

The story tells of a strategist who successfully prevented the war between Yan and Zhao. It happened in the Warring States period about 2,200 years ago. This story is selected from the book Strategies of the Warring States - 《战国策》.

【背景 the Background of the Story】
In the late Warring States period, the western state Qin became the most powerful state, and none of the six eastern states could resist Qin alone.
Some political strategists advocated the Vertical Alliance strategy(合纵) to against Qin.
Qin ultimately conquered the six states one by one. In 221 BCE, Qin unified China and established the Qin Dynasty.

【原文】 西汉·刘向《战国策·燕策二》