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#2 亡羊补牢 (选自《战国策》) [Reading Comprehension - Chinese Short Stories] 读故事.学汉语

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Cards-卡片 | Characters-字 | Words-词 | Phrases/Sentences-句

亡羊补牢 选自《战国策》 Chinese Short Story Part 1 亡羊补牢 选自《战国策》 Chinese Short Story Part 2 亡羊补牢 选自《战国策》 Chinese Short Story Part 3 亡羊补牢 选自《战国策》 Chinese Short Story Part 4 亡羊补牢 选自《战国策》 Chinese Short Story Part 5 亡羊补牢 选自《战国策》 Chinese Short Story - Characters 亡羊补牢 选自《战国策》 Chinese Short Story Cover #2 亡羊补牢 (选自《战国策》) [Reading Comprehension - Chinese Short Stories] 读故事.学汉语 #2 亡羊补牢 (选自《战国策》) [Reading Comprehension - Chinese Short Stories] 读故事.学汉语 #2 亡羊补牢 (选自《战国策》) [Reading Comprehension - Chinese Short Stories] 读故事.学汉语 #2 亡羊补牢 (选自《战国策》) [Reading Comprehension - Chinese Short Stories] 读故事.学汉语

Characters-字:谏 楚 顷 襄 鄢 奢 靡 祥 兆 宠 避 郢 圈 桀 纣

  1. jiàn admonish
  2. chǔ the state of Chu | (1030 BCE – 223 BCE)
  3. qǐng moment | a little while
  4. xiāng to aid | to help | to assist
  5. yān Yan state | Yan city
  6. shē luxurious | extravagant
  7.  wasted | extravagant
  8. xiáng auspicious | propitious
  9. zhào omen | a sign (in fortune telling)
  10. chǒng bestow favor on | dote on | spoil
  11.  to avoid | to shun | to flee
  12. yǐng an ancient city
  13. juàn/quān/juān (juàn) pen, fold | (quān) circle | (juān) shut in a pen
  14. jié the last king of Xia
  15. zhòu the last king of Shang

Words-词:大臣 庄辛 劝谏 楚顷襄王 一味 奢靡 糊涂 不祥之兆 预见 宠幸 避难 攻打 逃亡 局势 地步 猎狗 羊圈 商汤 周武王 夏桀 纣王 何止 辅佐 征集 收复 抵抗

  1. 庄辛 Zhuang Xin Minister of Chu
  2. 劝谏 quànjiàn persuade; expostulate; remonstrate
  3. 楚顷襄王 Chǔ Qǐngxiāng wáng King Qingxiang of Chu
  4. 一味 yīwèi blindly; stubbornly
  5. 奢靡 shēmí wasteful; luxurious; extravagant
  6. 糊涂 hútu muddled; confused
  7. 不祥之兆 bùxiángzhīzhào bad omen; evil sign; ill sign
  8. 预见 yūjiàn predict; envision
  9. 宠幸 chǒngxìng patronize; bestow favor on
  10. 避难 bì nàn refuge; take refuge
  11. 攻打 gōngdǎ attack; assault; assail
  12. 逃亡 táo wáng flee; flight (from danger)
  13. 局势 júshì situation
  14. 地步 dìbù condition; plight
  15. 猎狗 liègǒu hunting dog; hound
  16. 羊圈 yángjuàn sheepfold; sheep pen
  17. 商汤 Shang Tang King Tang of Shang
  18. 周武王 Zhōu Wǔ wáng King Wu of Zhou
  19. 夏桀 Xià Jié King Jie of Xia
  20. 纣王 Zhòu wáng King Zhou of Shang
  21. 何止 hézhǐ far more than; not only
  22. 辅佐 fǔzuǒ assist a ruler in governing a country
  23. 征集 zhēng jí to collect; to recruit
  24. 收复 shōufù to recover (lost territory etc); to recapture
  25. 抵抗 dǐkàng resist; stand up to

Phrases/Sentences - 句:

  1. 大臣庄辛劝谏楚顷襄王
    Minister Zhuang Xin persuaded King Qingxiang of Chu.
  2. 这样下去楚国会很危险的。
    It would be very dangerous for the Chu State to go down this way.
  3. 我的确预见到了必然要发生的结果,但不敢认为这是不祥之兆。
    I did foresee the inevitable outcome, but I dared not think it was a bad omen.
  4. 如果您始终宠幸这四个人,楚国一定会亡国的。
    If you consistently indulged these four people, Chu would definitely be destroyed.
  5. 公元前278年,秦军占领了楚国的都城郢都,楚王逃亡。
    In 278 BCE, the Qin army occupied Yingdu, the capital of Chu. King Qingxiang of Chu fled from the city.
  6. 现在局势已经到这个地步
    The situation has gotten so bad now.
  7. 丢了羊才去修补羊圈也不迟
    It is not too late to repair the sheepfold when a sheep is lost.
  8. 商汤、周武王只有百里的地方就能兴盛
    King Tang of Shang and King Wu of Zhou made prosperous countries starting from a hundred-square miles land.
  9. 夏桀、纣王拥有天下却灭亡了。
    King Jie of Xia and King Zhou of Shang had the whole world but their countries perished.
  10. 封庄辛为阳陵君
    The king titled Zhuang Xin as Lord Yanglin.
  11. 收复了一些秦国攻占的地方
    recovered some lands captured by Qin
  12. 公元前223年,秦灭楚。
    In 223 BCE, Qin conquered Chu.