每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

音节 Syllables【gōng gǒng gòng】 & 声符 Phonetic Components 【 工 弓 共 公】

Phonetic Components

gōng work | labor | skill | project
gōng a bow (weapon) | bow-shaped things | to bow | to bend
gòng common | general | to share with | together
gōng public | authority | fair and just | male

Syllables: gōng gǒng gòng (12 Characters)

工 功 攻 巩 贡 共 供 拱 恭 弓 躬 公 宫
  • 工人 gōngrén worker | workman
  • 成功 chénggōng success
  • 攻击 gōngjī attack | assault
  • 巩固 gǒnggù consolidate | solidify
  • 贡献 gòngxiàn contribution | contribute
  • 公共 gōnggòng public | common
  • 提供 tígōng provide | give
  • gǒng to arch | to surround
  • 恭喜 gōngxǐ congratulation
  • gōng bow
  • 鞠躬 jūgōng make a bow | to bow
  • 公平 gōngpíng fair | just
  • 宫殿 gōngdiàn palace

  • Component 工

  • 工人 gōngrén worker | workman
  • 成功 chénggōng success
  • 攻击 gōngjī attack | assault
  • 贡献 gòngxiàn contribution | contribute
  • 巩固 gǒnggù consolidate | solidify
  • 恐怕 kǒngpà I am afraid | perhaps
  • 空气 kōngqì air
  • hóng red
  • 项目 xiàngmù project | item
  • jiāng river
  • 彩虹 cǎihóng rainbow
  • gāng vat | jar
  • 杠铃 gànglíng barbell
  • káng carry on the shoulder | shoulder
  • 技巧 jìqiǎo skill | technique
  • 形式 xíngshì form | shape
  • zuǒ left
  • 差别 chābié difference | disparity
  • 建筑 jiànzhù building | structure
  • 控制 kòngzhì control | command
  • 口腔 kǒuqiāng oral cavity | mouth cavity
  • 考试 kǎo//shì take a test | examination
  • cuō to rub with the hands | to twist
  • 磋商 cuōshāng to consult | to discuss seriously
  • 窍门 qiàomén know-how | key (to a problem)
  • 佐料 zuǒliào condiments | seasoning
  • 懒惰 lǎnduò lazy | idle

  • Component 弓

  • gōng bow
  • 鞠躬 jūgōng make a bow | to bow
  • 弘扬 hóngyáng to enhance | to promote
  • 主张 zhǔzhāng advocate | stand for
  • qiáng strong | powerful
  • 边疆 biānjiāng frontier region | border area
  • 弟弟 dìdi younger brother | brother
  • (prefix before a number)
  • 化险为夷 huàxiǎnwéiyí to turn peril into safety (idiom) | head off a danger
  • 转弯 zhuǎnwān turn a corner | make a turn
  • 海湾 hǎiwān bay | gulf (body of water)
  • 快递 kuàidì express delivery
  • 楼梯 lóutī stairs | staircase
  • 鼻涕 bítì nasal mucus | nasal discharge
  • shave
  • 阿姨 āyí aunt
  • 涨价 zhǎngjià rise in price | inflation of prices

  • Component 共

  • 共计 gòngjì add up to | total
  • gǒng to arch | to surround
  • 提供 tígōng provide | give
  • hǒng coax | humor
  • 烘干 hōnggān oven dry | to dry over a stove
  • 洪水 hóngshuǐ flood | deluge
  • 恭喜 gōngxǐ congratulation
  • 大街小巷 dàjiēxiǎoxiàng streets and alleys | great streets and small alleys (idiom)
  • 港口 gǎngkǒu port | harbour
  • 风暴 fēngbào storm | windstorm
  • 爆炸 bàozhà explode | blast
  • 曝光 bàoguāng exposure
  • 瀑布 pùbù falls | waterfall

  • Component 公

  • 公平 gōngpíng fair | just
  • 放松 fàngsōng relax
  • 诉讼 sùsòng lawsuit
  • 歌颂 gēsòng sing the praises of | extol
  • 富翁 fùwēng rich man | man of wealth