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杜牧 Du Mu (803-852 AD)

⬅️ 唐诗 Tang Poems

Du Mu (杜牧,803-852 AD) was one of the most famous poet in late Tang Dynasty. He and another late Tang poet Li Shangyin (李商隐,813-858 AD) were called "Little Li-Du" in contrast to "Great Li-Du" (referred to Li Bai (李白) and Du Fu (杜甫),the great poets in high Tang period).

Du Mu was born into one of the prestigious clan, Jingzhao Du clan (京兆杜氏). His grandfather was a famous chancellor in mid Tang period. However, his father died when he was just ten years old. Du Mu later described his childhood as being "lonely and poor (某幼孤贫)". But his family background did provide some convenience for his career pursuit. When he was going to take the Jinshi imperial examination, more than twenty officials recommended him to the imperial court. He took the examination and came as the fifth among the test takers in 828 AD at age of 26. After he passed the examination, he worked on various advisory posts for about ten years and spent much time on hanging around with other officials and patronizing cabarets. He once summarized these days in one of his poems with regret, "Ten years in Yangzhou was like a dream, I had gained myself some reputation among the brothels (一年一觉扬州梦,赢得青楼薄幸名)."

After 840 AD, Du Mu was sent to several remote prefectures as the governor. His governance turned out to be quite successful. In Huangzhou (黄州, in modern day Wuhan city (武汉)), he restored the Confucius Temple, opened school and gave lectures personally. He also abolished some corporal punishment and replaced it with magnanimity. It was said after three years of his governance, everything in Huangzhou was in perfect order. Du Mu was recalled back to capital city of Chang'an later. But the emolument he received in Chang'an was not enough to support his family. Du Mu requested to be sent to local post three times and the request was finally granted in 850 AD. Two years later Du Mu died at age of 50. 10 of Du Mu's poems were selected in Three Hundred Tang Poems.