每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

How to Ask Questions in Chinese 【Part 2】(HSK 语法点 🔮 Grammar Points)

HSK 语法点 🔮 Grammar Points

Today, I am going to talk about how to ask questions in Chinese.
In this video, We will learn some commonly used question words and different types of questions, including special questions using question word, tag questions, alternative questions, and affirmative-negative questions.
I will focus on word order and sentence patterns to help you better understand sentence structure.

1. ✨ 谁 = Who | Whom
Chinese has no case marking on pronouns. The interrogative pronoun 谁 can be used as the subject or object to raise questions or to introduce relative clauses.
2. ✨ Subject + Verb + 谁? [whom]
In English, "whom" can be used instead of "who" as the object of a verb. In Chinese, the interrogative pronoun 谁 can be used as both a subject and an object.
3. ✨ Subject + 是谁的 + Object? | Subject + 是谁的?
谁的 is used as a relative pronoun to ask about which person owns or is responsible for something, just like "whose" in English.
4. ✨ (有) 多 + Adjective……?
The structure "多 + Adjective" is used to ask various questions, including: 多远-How far?, 多久-How long?, 多大-How old?, 多高-How high/tall?, 多重-How heavy?, etc. 有 is often used before 多.
5. ✨ ……多大 + Noun? | 在多大程度上……?
多大 can also raise a question to ask "To what extent?".
6. ✨ Verb + 多久/多长时间?
多久 or 多长时间 can be used after the verb to ask about the duration of time, meaning " How long? What duration?".
7. ✨ Verb + 多少 + (Measure Word) + Noun?
The interrogative pronoun 多少 is used to ask about quantity of subject or object. The question expects a number greater than 10 in the answer. The measure word following it can be omitted.
8. ✨ Verb + 几 + Measure Word + Noun?
The interrogative pronoun 几 is used to ask about the quantity of subject or object. The question expects a number less than 10 in the answer. A measure word is usually required between 几 and the noun.
9. ✨ 几 + Measure Word + Time Word (+ Verb)?
The interrogative pronoun 几 can be used with time word to ask date or time, for example 几月几日, 几号, 几点.
10. ✨ Subject + Verb + 哪儿/哪里? | 是 + [Prep.+哪儿/哪里] + Verb + 的?
The interrogative pronouns 哪儿 and 哪里 are used to ask about the location, meaning "Where". 哪儿 is more often used in spoken language.
11. ✨ Subject + 在哪儿/哪里 + Predicate...?
The prepositional phrases 在哪儿 and 在哪里 can be placed before the predicate to ask where something takes place.
12. ✨ 哪个 / 哪些 "Which"
哪个 or 哪些 can be used in questions in which there is a fixed or limited set of possibilities. 哪个 is the singular form of "which", and 哪些 is the plural form of "which".
13. ✨ 哪 + (Numeral) + Measure Word + Noun
The structure "哪 + Measure Word Phrase" can be used in questions in which there is a fixed or limited set of answers.
14. ✨ 有 + Question Word……?
有 can be used with question words to form interrogative sentences. Question words include: 什么, 谁, 哪些, 多少 or 几, etc.
15. ✨ 到底/究竟……Question Word?
The adverb 到底 or 究竟 can be used with the question word to raise a question, emphasizing that you are very surprised, annoyed, confused, or angry about something.
16. ✨ A + 还是 + B ?
The conjunction 还是 can raise an alternative question that presents two or more possible answers. 还是 is placed before the last options. To answer a 还是 question, simply select the option that you prefer.
17. ✨ 是 + A + 还是 + B?
The structure 是……还是 is used to list different possibilities in an alternative question. It indicates an "or" relationship. The first 是 can be omitted in the sentence.
18. ✨ ……(呢),还是……(呢)?
The modal particle 呢 can be used with 还是 to form an alternative question. 还是 connects the choices, and 呢 expresses the interrogative tone.
19. ✨ Verb + 不 + Verb……?
The structure "Verb + 不 + Verb" can be used to raise an affirmative-negative question. If the verb is a double-syllable word, the second syllable in the affirmative part is often omitted, such as 喜不喜欢, 知不知道.
20. ✨ Adj. + 不 + Adj.?
The structure "Adjective + 不 + Adjective" can be used to raise an affirmative-negative question. If the adjective is a double-syllable word, the second syllable in the affirmative part is often omitted, such as 高不高兴, 清不清楚.
21. ✨ 有没有 + Object/Verb Phrase?
有没有 is the Affirmative-Negative form of 有 sentence. It can be used to ask questions like "Did you...?", "Have you ever...?", or "Is there any...?".
22. ✨ Subject + 想不想/要不要 + Verb...?
The affirmative-negative form 想不想 or 要不要 can be used to ask about the desire or need.
23. ✨ 3 positions of 是不是 in a question
In an Affirmative-Negative Question, 是不是 can be placed at 3 positions: before the predicate, at the beginning or at the end of a sentence.
24. ✨ Subject + [Modal Verb + 不 + Modal Verb] + Predicate...?
The affirmative-negative form of the modal verb can be used to raise questions, such as: 能不能, 会不会, 可不可以, etc.
Now, we have learned 24 grammar points about interrogative sentences. Grammar points, formulas of word order and example sentences will help you do better on sentence structure and pattern.
To master the language, a lot of practice is still a necessity.