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15 Characters with the radical 木【三级汉字 No.33 - 47 🌱部首 🍃部件 🎶音节 🌿词根/词缀】

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Today, let's continue to learn HSK level 3 vocabulary.
In this lesson, I am going to introduce 15 Characters with the radical 木.
4 of them can be used as components to form other characters.
These 15 characters have 14 syllables. You can easily find different sound components from their character lists.
These 15 characters can be used as word roots, and some of them have relatively strong word-forming ability. We will learn a total of 89 HSK words formed by them.

部件 🍃 Components
In the following 26 Chinese characters, "木" is not a radical. It is just one of the components of the character.
26 HSK Characters have the component 木: 米,禾,采,呆,亲,新,躁,燥,澡,噪,操,相,闲,困,休,沐,床,宋,荣,寨,渠,集,攀,婪,谍,碟
1 HSK Characters have the component 术: 述
5 HSK Characters have the component 束: 整,速,赖,辣,嗽
3 HSK Characters have the component 某: 谋,媒,煤
音节 Syllables 🎶 
Chinese has much fewer syllables than English. If the different tones are excluded, there are only around 400 syllables for 3000 HSK characters.

You may find different sound components from the same syllable table. I've marked them in this character list.

部首 🌱 Chinese Radical
【木】俗称“木字旁”,“木字旁”的汉字多与植物或木材有关。 The radical "木" is commonly known as 木字旁(mù zì páng). Chinese characters with this radical are mostly related to plants or wood.

📘 “木”是个象形字。它的甲骨文字形像一棵有枝干和根的树。
📘 "木" is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script resembles a tree with branches and roots.


  1. 【束】他送给我一束鲜花。 He gave me a bunch of flowers.
  2. 【某】在某些时候,无声胜于有声。 At certain times, silence sounds more expressive than voice.
  3. 【架】这几架飞机暂时不能使用,在接受安全检查。 These planes are temporarily out of commission and undergoing safety checks.
  4. 【杂】紫罗兰通常杂有好几种颜色。 Pansies are usually variegated.
  5. 【格外】他的红衣服在白雪中格外显眼。 His red clothes especially stood out against the snow.
  6. 【格格不入】我在这里感觉格格不入。 I feel as if I don't belong here.
  7. 【积极】他一直积极参与这项工作。 He has been actively involved in this work.
  8. 【极了】天热极了,我又累又渴。 It was extremely hot. I was tired and thirsty.
  9. 【消极】他的性格中有相当消极的一面。 There is a rather negative side of his character.
  10. 【极度】这个地方极度寒冷,不适宜居住。 This place is extremely cold and uninhabitable.
  11. 【极为】他一定有极为强健的体格。 He must have an extremely strong constitution.
  12. 【标】我已经标出了每一个要点。 I have marked every key point.
  13. 【标志】她没有理会警示前方危险的标志。 She had ignored the warning sign of danger ahead.
  14. 【大概】这大概没有问题。 It'll probably be OK.
  15. 【大概】我大概没把自己的意思表达清楚。 Perhaps I have not expressed myself very well.
  16. 【一概】对于城市发展的任何建议,我们一概欢迎。 We welcome any suggestions for urban development.
  17. 【一概而论】这些解决方案不能一概而论。 These solutions cannot be generalized.

Now, We have learned 15 Chinese characters and 89 words through radical, components, syllables, word roots and example sentences. In this way, we can learn and review vocabulary more effectively.