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HSK 3 三级汉字 No.18 -32 【15 HSK Characters with the🌱 radical 口…🍃…🎶…🌿…110+ HSK Words】

Today, let's continue to learn HSK level 3 vocabulary. I am going to introduce 15 HSK Level 3 Characters with the radical 口. 7 of them can be used as components to form other characters. I will also show you 15 Chinese syllables and their character lists. We will learn 36 HSK level 3 Words and 80 higher-level words composed of level 1 to 3 characters. These 15 characters contain 5 affixes which have strong word forming ability.


🍃 部件 Components
  • 4 HSK Characters have the component 员: 损,圆,勋,陨.
  • 8 HSK Characters have the component 各: 路,格,客,略,络,阁,胳,赂.
  • 6 HSK Characters have the component 品: 操,癌,躁,燥,澡,噪.
  • 7 HSK Characters have the component 台: 治,始,抬,胎,怡,冶,怠.
  • 2 HSK Characters have the component 另: 别,拐.
  • 10 HSK Characters have the component 古: 故,苦,居,胡,固,姑,估,枯,辜,沽.
🎶 音节 Syllables
Chinese has much fewer syllables than English. If the different tones are excluded, there are around 400 syllables for 3000 HSK characters. In the syllable table, you can easily find different sound components.
  • 31 HSK characters=qi: 其,期,旗,欺,棋,气,汽,妻,凄,乞,迄,砌,沏,奇,骑, 起,器,企,七,齐,弃,启,岂,契,歧,漆,戚,祈,泣,栖,缉.
  • 16 HSK characters=gu: 古,故,姑,估,固,辜,菇,沽,股,顾,骨,谷,鼓,孤,雇,贾.
  • 15 HSK characters=yuan: 原,愿,源,元,院,远,园,员,圆,援,缘,怨,袁,渊,冤.
  • 13 HSK characters=ge: 各,格,胳,阁,搁,哥,歌,个,革,隔,割,戈,鸽.
  • 11 HSK characters=pi: 皮,疲,披,脾,啤,譬,劈,僻,媲,批,匹.
  • 11 HSK characters=fei: 非,匪,啡,诽,绯,费,沸,废,肥,肺,飞.
  • 10 HSK characters=ling: 令,领,龄,铃,岭,零,凌,陵,另,灵.
  • 10 HSK characters=shan: 善,膳,扇,煽,衫,擅,删,赡,山,闪. ……
🌱 部首 Chinese Radical
【口】 俗称“口字旁”,“口字旁”的字多与口(嘴)或像口的东西有关。 The radical "口" is commonly known as 口字旁(kǒu zì páng). Chinese characters with the radical "口" are usually related to mouth or something that looks like a mouth. 
📘 “口”是象形字。它的甲骨文字形像张开的嘴。 
📘 口 is a pictograph character. Its Oracle Bone Script resembles an open mouth. 
139 HSK Characters have the radical 口. (HSK level 1-9)
🌿 词根/词缀 Word Roots/Affixes
  1. "员" can be used as a suffix to indicate "a person engaged in some field of activity".
    成员,队员,公务员,会员,人员,演员,服务员,售货员,运动员,船员,飞行员,球员,伤员,学员,宇航员,雇员,官员,航天员,评论员,团员,委员,议员,职员 --- 23 Words
  2. "品" can be used as a suffix for articles or products.
    商品,食品,作品,产品,豆制品,农产品,工艺品,水产品,成品,毒品,精品,乳制品,物品,药品,用品,藏品,废品,奖品,礼品,样品,制品 --- 21 Words
  3. "台" can be used as a suffix for a platform or anything shaped like a platform.
    电视台,电台,舞台,窗台,阳台,平台,写字台,站台,柜台,后台,看台,前台 --- 12 Words
  4. "器" can be used as a suffix for appliance or equipment.
    机器,武器,充电器,电器,热水器,仪器,瓷器,服务器,核武器,浏览器,显示器,乐器 --- 12 Words
  5. "古" can be used as a prefix like paleo-, pale-, palaeo-, archaeo-, or archeo- in English.
    古代,古老,古典,古董,古迹,古今中外,古人,古怪,古朴,前无古人,万古长青 --- 12 Words
例句 Example Sentences:
  1. 【各】圆周上各点离圆心的距离相等。 All points on a circle are equidistant from the center.
  2. 【各自】他们道别后,就各自走了。 They said goodbye and went their ways separately.
  3. 【台】那是一台老式留声机。 That is an old-fashioned gramophone.
  4. 【另外】这完全是另外一种情况。 It is another situation altogether.
  5. 【另一方面】另一方面来说,它们之间也有不同。 On the other hand, there are differences between them.
  6. 【否定】他的回答是否定的。 His response was negative.
  7. 【否认】他否认说过那些话。 He denied saying those words.
  8. 【完善】他用更多的时间来完善他的动作。 He spent more time perfecting his moves.
15 Chinese characters can be linked to many other Chinese characters, words or phrases. In this way, we can learn and review vocabulary easier.