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扁鹊见蔡桓公 [Reading Comprehension - Chinese Short Stories] 读故事.学汉语

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《扁鹊见蔡桓公》 is a fable from the 4th grade Chinese textbook. The story happened during the Warring States Period which is more than 2,300 years ago.

 有一天,名医扁鹊拜见蔡(cài)桓(huán)公。扁鹊在蔡桓公身边站了一会儿,说:“大王,您皮肤上有点小病。如果不医治的话,病情恐怕会加重。” 蔡桓公说:“我没有病。” 扁鹊走后,蔡桓公对身边的人说:“这些医生啊,喜欢给没病的人治‘病’,以此作为‘功绩’!”

 过了十来天,扁鹊又来拜见蔡桓公,说道:“您的病在肌肉里,要不治还会加深。” 蔡桓公没有理睬(cǎi)他。扁鹊退了出去,蔡桓公很不高兴。

 十来天后,扁鹊再一次来拜见,对蔡桓公说:“您的病已经发展到肠胃里,再不治会更加严重。” 蔡桓公听了非常不高兴。扁鹊连忙退了出来。



字 . 词 . 句

  1. 鹊 què magpie
  2. 蔡 cài (surname)
  3. 桓 huán (surname)
  4. 睬 cǎi to pay attention
  5. 肠 cháng intestines
  6. 胃 wèi stomach
  7. 焐 wù to warm up
  8. 敷 fū to apply
  9. 灸 jiǔ moxibustion
  10. 剂 jì dose
  11. 髓 suǐ marrow
  12. 秦 qín Qin (state, 905 BC–221 BC)

  13. 名医 míngyī famous doctors
  14. 扁鹊 biǎnquè Bian Que (407BC - 310BC) a famous doctor in ancient China
  15. 拜见 bàijiàn pay a formal visit
  16. 蔡桓公 Cài Huángōng (? - 357BC) Duke Huan of Cai
  17. 皮肤 pífū skin
  18. 医治 yīzhì give medical treatment
  19. 恐怕 kǒngpà perhaps
  20. 功绩 gōngjì merits and achievements
  21. 肌肉 jīròu muscle
  22. 理睬 lǐcǎi show interest in
  23. 肠胃 chángwèi intestines and stomach
  24. 连忙 liánmáng in a hurry
  25. 解释 jiěshì explain
  26. 热敷 rèfū apply hot compress
  27. 针灸 zhēnjiǔ acupuncture and moxibustion
  28. 骨髓 gǔsuǐ marrow
  29. 司命 sīmìng the God of Life
  30. 无能为力 wúnéngwéilì helpless; powerless
  31. 浑身 húnshēn from head to toe
  32. 疼痛 téngtòng pain; ache

  33. 如果不医治的话,病情恐怕会加重。
    Without medical treatment, your disease is likely to get worse.
  34. 这些医生啊,喜欢给没病的人治‘病’,以此作为‘功绩’!
    Some doctors like to treat people who are not sick, and take it as their achievement!
  35. 过了十来天
    after ten more days [来 can be used to express approximate number.]
  36. 您的病已经发展到肠胃里,再不治会更加严重。
    Your disease has developed further. It is now in your intestines and stomach, and may get even worse if left untreated.
  37. 一旦深入骨髓,那是司命管的事情,医生再也无能为力了。
    Once the disease develops deep into the bone, it is in the hand of god. A doctor can do nothing about it.
  38. 扁鹊早知道蔡桓公要来请他,几天前就跑到秦国去了。
    Bian Que knew that Duke Huan of Cai would come to invite him. A few days ago, he had already gone to Qin.
  39. 不久,蔡桓公病死了。
    Soon, Duke Huan of Cai died of illness.