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No.7 HSK 1 Vocabulary 常用汉字 No.155 - 229 🔸部首 🔸组件 🔸词根

Go back to HSK 1 Vocabulary 📌 新中文水平等级标准(2021年)

Implementation on July 1, 2021 新中文水平等级标准(2021年)

Today, let's continue to learn commonly-used Chinese characters from No.155 to No.229.
As the radicals and components, these 75 characters can be used to form more than 500 HSK characters. They are also the word roots for more than 1,700 HSK words.
This video provides a quick look at the relationships among them.

"不" is the most common HSK word root. It forms 207 HSK words.
The character "着" has 5 pronunciations. It can be used as a noun, a verb, or an aspect particle. In HSK Level 1, you only need to understand its usage as an aspect particle.
In Chinese, 着,了 and 过 are the 3 most important aspect particles.
的,地 and 得 are the 3 most common structural particles.

Some characters can be used as sound components in other characters to represent pronunciations. However, the same sound component may represent different pronunciations.
For example:

【 啡绯匪诽悲辈排徘 】in these 8 characters, 非 represents "fei, bei, pai".
【 判叛畔胖伴拌 】in these 6 characters, 半 represents "pan, pang, ban".
【 玩完顽远园冠 】in these 6 characters, 元 represents "wan, yuan, guan".
【 冻栋练炼拣 】in these 5 characters, 东 represents "dong, lian or jian".
【 钟忠衷肿仲种冲 】in these 7 characters, 中 represents "zhong or chong".
【 芳房防妨肪访仿纺放 】in these 9 characters, 方 represents "fang".
【 榜膀傍镑磅谤 】in these 6 characters, 旁 represents "bang".

Up until now, we have learned 229 commonly used Chinese characters. In the next video, I will introduce the separable words in HSK Level 1.