每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

部首卡片(人 亻 大 女 儿 子 身 手 扌 口)【 HSK 一级 - HSK level 1】

  1. 别人bié.rén   other people | another person
  2. 病人bìngrén   patient
  3. 工人gōngrén   workman | worker
  4. 家人jiārén   family | family member
  5. 老人lǎorén   the aged | old man or woman | one's aged parents or grandparents ……
  6. 男人nánrén   man | male
  7. 女人nǚrén   woman | female
  8. rén   people | person | human being ……
  9.    (a general measure word)
  10. huì   can | be able to | be good at ……
  11. 开会kāihuì   have a meeting | hold a meeting | attend a conference ……
  12. 一会儿yīhuìr   in a moment | a little while
  13. cóng   from | since
  14. 今年jīnnián   this year
  15. 今天jīntiān   today
  16. 介绍jièshào   introduce | introduction
  17.    he | him
  18. 他们tāmen   they | them
  19. men   (plural marker)
  20. 你们nǐmen   you (plural form)
  21. 他们tāmen   they | them
  22. 她们tāmen   they | them (female)
  23. 我们wǒmen   we | us
  24.    you
  25. 你们nǐmen   you (plural form)
  26. 动作dòngzuò   motion | action | movement
  27. 工作gōngzuò   work | job | task
  28. 身体shēntǐ   body
  29. 干什么gàn shénme   what to do
  30. 没什么méi shénme   it doesn't matter
  31. 什么shénme   what | anything | something ……
  32. zuò   do | make | produce
  33. 记住jìzhù   remember | keep in mind | bear in mind ……
  34. zhù   stay | live | dwell
  35. 时候shíhòu   moment | (the duration of) time | (a point in) time
  36. 有时候yǒushíhòu   sometimes
  37. 放假fàngjià   have a vacation | have a holiday
  38. 请假qǐngjià   ask for leave
  39. 休息xiūxi   relax | have a rest | take a break
  40. 不大bù dà   not often | not very | not too ……
  41.    big | large | huge ……
  42. 大学dàxué   university | college
  43. 大学生dàxuéshēng   university student | college student
  44. 白天báitiān   daytime | day
  45. 半天bàntiān   half of the day
  46. 后天hòutiān   the day after tomorrow
  47. 今天jīntiān   today
  48. 明天míngtiān   tomorrow
  49. 前天qiántiān   the day before yesterday
  50. tiān   day | sky | weather ……
  51. 天气tiānqì   weather
  52. 星期天xīngqītiān   Sunday
  53. 昨天zuótiān   yesterday
  54. tài   too | very | overly ……
  55. 爱好àihào   hobby | interest
  56. hǎo   good | fine | nice ……
  57. 好吃hǎochī   delicious | tasty
  58. 好看hǎokàn   good-looking | nice
  59. 好听hǎotīng   pleasant to hear
  60. 好玩儿hǎowánr   amusing | interesting
  61. 最好zuìhǎo   the best | first-rate
  62.    she | her
  63. 她们tāmen   they | them (female)
  64.    woman | female
  65. 女儿nǚ’ér   daughter
  66. 女孩儿nǚháir   girl
  67. 女朋友nǚpéngyǒu   girlfriend
  68. 女人nǚrén   woman | female
  69. 女生nǚshēng   schoolgirl
  70. 妈妈māma   ma | mum | mother
  71. 姐姐jiějie   elder sister | sister
  72. 小姐xiǎojiě   Miss
  73. 妹妹mèimei   younger sister | sister
  74. nǎi   breasts | milk
  75. 奶奶nǎinai   grandmother
  76. 牛奶niúnǎi   milk
  77. xiān   first
  78. 先生xiānshēng   (addressing) Mr. | teacher | sir ……
  79. 儿子érzi   son
  80. 好玩儿hǎowánr   amusing | interesting
  81. 没事儿méishìr   It's okay. | That's all right. | It's nothing.
  82. 面条儿miàntiáor   noodles
  83. 哪儿nǎr   where
  84. 那儿nàr   there
  85. 男孩儿nánháir   boy
  86. 女儿nǚ’ér   daughter
  87. 女孩儿nǚháir   girl
  88. 玩儿wánr   play
  89. 小孩儿xiǎoháir   child | kid
  90. 一会儿yīhuìr   in a moment | a little while
  91. 一块儿yīkuàir   together | at the same place
  92. 一下儿yīxiàr   a little while | a little bit
  93. 一点儿yīdiǎnr   a little
  94. 这儿zhèr   here
  95. 包子bāozi   steamed stuffed bun
  96. 杯子bēizi   cup | glass
  97. 本子běnzi   book | notebook
  98. 儿子érzi   son
  99. 房子fángzi   house | building
  100. 孩子háizi   child
  101. 桌子zhuōzi   desk | table
  102. zi   (noun suffix)
  103. 大学dàxué   university | college
  104. 大学生dàxuéshēng   university student | college student
  105. 放学fàngxué   classes are over | school is over | leave school
  106. 教学楼jiàoxué lóu   teaching building
  107. 上学shàngxué   go to school | attend school
  108. 同学tóngxué   classmate | student |
  109. 小学xiǎoxué   primary school | elementary school
  110. 小学生xiǎoxuéshēng   pupil | schoolchild | elementary school student
  111. xué   study | learn
  112. 学生xuéshēng   student
  113. 学习xuéxí   study | learn
  114. 学校xuéxiào   school
  115. 学院xuéyuàn   college | academy | institute
  116. 中学zhōngxué   middle school | high school
  117. 中学生zhōngxuéshēng   middle school student
  118. 汉字hànzì   Chinese character
  119. 名字míngzi   name | title
  120.    character | letter
  121. 孩子háizi   child
  122. 男孩儿nánháir   boy
  123. 女孩儿nǚháir   girl
  124. 小孩儿xiǎoháir   child | kid
  125. 身上shēnshang   on one's body
  126. 身体shēntǐ   body
  127. shǒu   hand
  128. 手机shǒujī   mobile phone
  129. 洗手间xǐshǒujiān   washroom | toilet | bathroom
  130.    take | hold
  131.    strike | hit | knock ……
  132. 打车dǎchē   take a taxi
  133. 打电话dǎ diànhuà   make a phone call
  134. 打开dǎkāi   open | open up | break ……
  135. 打球dǎqiú   play a ball game
  136. zhǎo   look for | find | seek
  137. 找到zhǎodào   succeed in finding | have found
  138.    with
  139. hòu   later | after | afterwards
  140. 后边hòubian   rear | back
  141. 后天hòutiān   the day after tomorrow
  142. 最后zuìhòu   finally | last
  143. 同学tóngxué   classmate | student |
  144. 名字míngzi   name | title
  145. 有名yǒumíng   famous
  146. kǒu   mouth | opening
  147. 路口lùkǒu   crossing | intersection
  148. 门口ménkǒu   entrance | doorway | door ……
  149. 好听hǎotīng   pleasant to hear
  150. tīng   listen | hear | obey ……
  151. 听到tīngdào   heard
  152. 听见tīngjiàn   heard
  153. 听写tīngxiě   dictation
  154. 告诉gàosu    tell
  155. ne   (modal particle)
  156. jiào   cry | shout | call ……
  157. 商场shāngchǎng   shopping mall | market
  158. 商店shāngdiàn   shop | store
  159. ma    (modal particle)
  160. ba   (modal particle) | (indicating a pause)
  161. chī   eat
  162. 吃饭chīfàn   eat | have a meal
  163. 好吃hǎochī   delicious | tasty
  164. hào   number
  165.    which
  166. 哪里nǎ.lǐ   where
  167. 哪儿nǎr   where
  168. 哪些nǎxiē   which | who | what
  169. 喜欢xǐhuan   like | be fond of | be interested in
  170. yòu   right side | right
  171. 右边yòubian   right side | right
  172. 哥哥gēge   (elder) brother
  173.    drink
  174. chàng   sing
  175. 唱歌chànggē   sing | sing a song