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Tang poems 唐诗 >> 相思
王维 (Wang Wei)   唐朝 Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD)
Hóngdòu shēng nánguó, chūn lái fā jǐ zhī?
Yuàn jūn duō cǎixié, cǐ wù zuì xiāngsī.

Love bean trees grow in the South.
The new branches sprout as the spring comes.
Pick an armful of them, my friend.
They are the symbols of my lovesick heart.
    王维-Wang Wei (699–761 AD) was a Chinese poet, musician, painter, and politician.
  1. This poem was dedicated for Li Guinian(李龟年) who was a famous court musician. During the An-Shi Rebellion(安史之乱 755-763), Li Guinian wandered far from the capital Chang'an(长安). He was then stranded in the South. He often sang this poem for audience. In his performances, people were deeply moved in tears.
  2. 红豆- Ormosia (love pea, red bean), a symbol of lovesickness
  3. 生-grow
  4. 南国-the South
  5. 春-spring
  6. 发-sprout; generate
  7. 愿-hope; wish; desire
  8. 君-gentleman; Mr.
  9. 采撷-pick
  10. 相思-lovesick