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江南逢李龟年 by 杜甫

Tang poems 唐诗 >> 江南逢李龟年

Jiāngnán féng Lǐ Guīnián
杜甫 (Du Fu)   唐朝 Tang Dynasty (618-907)
Qí Wáng zhái lǐ xúncháng jiàn, Cuī Jiǔ táng qián jǐdù wén.
zhèng shì jiāngnán hǎo fēngjǐng, luòhuā shíjié yòu féng jūn.
    杜甫:Du Fu (712 – 770), Du Fu was a Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty. Along with Li Bai, he is frequently called the greatest of the Chinese poets.
  1. 江南逢李龟年:Meeting Li Guinian in Jiangnan. This poem was written in the same year of the poet's death(AD 770).
  2. 李龟年:Li Guinian was a famous court musician. During the An-Shi Rebellion(安史之乱 755-763), Li Guinian wandered far from the capital Chang'an(长安) and turned into a street performer in Jiangnan.
  3. 岐王:Prince Qi(Li Fan 686-726), Emperor's brother, a famous cultural celebrity of that time
  4. 崔九:崔涤(Cuī Dí ?-726), Prime Minister's brother
  5. 江南:Jiangnan, south of the Yangtze river
  6. 寻常:ordinary; usual; common
  7. 几度:several times
  8. 闻:hear
  9. 风景:scenery; landscape
  10. 落花时节:season of falling flowers
  11. 逢:meet
  12. 君:you, used to call people with respect
   Meeting Li Guinian in Jiangnan
At the house of Prince Qi, commonly I saw you;
In front of the hall of Cui Jiu, several times I heard you.
Now it is the most beautiful season of Jiangnan;
Among falling flowers, once again I meet you.

* At the time of this poem, both Prince Qi and Cui Jiu had passed away for many years, and the musician Li Guinian had came down from a court musician to a street performer. The entire country had experienced the An-Shi Rebellion(755-763). As a result, the Tang Dynasty went from prosperity to decline.
Du Fu died in the winter of that year.