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Level 1 【ér】child | children | youth | son | suffix | non-syllabic diminutive suffix | retroflex final

儿 can be used as:      

部首 Chinese Radical

【儿】 commonly known as "儿字旁 - Er zì páng". In ancient times, boys were called "儿" and girls were called "婴". Nowadays, both "儿" and "婴" can represent young children without gender distinction. Chinese characters having the radical 儿 are often related to people.

9 HSK Characters with the radical 儿.

儿: Used as a Component in Characters

11 HSK Characters contain 儿 as a component, but not as a radical.

词根 Word Root

儿 a simplified character of the character "兒", the original meaning is "child".
When used as a word root, it is pronounced as "ér", meaning "child", such as: 儿子, 女儿, 儿童, 幼儿园, and 婴儿.
"儿" can also be used as a suffix(non-syllabic diminutive suffix). instead of forming a syllable, 儿 combines with the previous syllable to form a retroflex final "r", such as:
* Verb + 儿"r": 干活儿、使劲儿、纳闷儿;
* Pronoun + 儿(r): 哪儿、那儿、这儿;
* Noun + 儿(r): 发小儿、大伙儿、心眼儿、墨水儿、纽扣儿、馅儿;
* 一...儿(r): 一会儿、一点儿、一块儿。

22 HSK words containing 儿