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15 HSK Characters containing 戈 (Gē)

拆字解字 - Breaking Apart Hanzi >>

dagger-axe | spear | (surname)   
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

1. I | me | myself   Radical:
我 is a pictograph character(象形字). The Oracle Bone scripts depict an ancient weapon. 我 is the personal pronoun "I, me, myself".
wǒmen 我们 we | us
Wǒmen shì hǎo péngyǒu.
We are good friends.

2. zhǎo to look for | to seek | to call on (sb.) | to give change   Radical:
找 is an associative compounds character(会意字). The radical 扌 is hand, and 戈 is weapon. Together, they express "to pick up weapon by hand". The original meaning of 找 is "to look for".
zhǎo find | seek | look for
Wǒ cóng dìtú shàng zhǎodàole dìtiě zhàn.
I found the subway station on the map.

3. huà/huá 【huà】to scratch | to divide | to delete | to draw | to plan | stroke, 【huá】to row or paddle boat   Radical:
划 is an associative compounds character(会意字). 戈 is weapon and the radical 刂 is knife. The original meaning of 划 is "to cut apart".
huàfēn 划分 divide | partition | repartition
Chìdào bǎ dìqiú huàfēn wéi liǎng gè bànqiú
The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres.

4. to cut down | to fell | to dispatch an expedition against | to criticize   Radical:
伐 is an associative compounds character(会意字). The radical 亻 means people and 戈 is weapon. The oracle bone scripts of this character depict cutting a man's head with 戈. Its original meaning is "to kill".
kǎnfá 砍伐 fell(trees) | hew
Dàliàng de shùmù bèi kǎnfá.
A great number of trees were felled.

5. huò or | sometimes | perhaps   Radical:
或 is an associative compounds character(会意字). The left lower part represents "city". 或 expresses "to guard the city with 戈(weapon)". Its original meaning is "country". It then refers to "some; someone".
huòzhě 或者 or
Qǐng gěi wǒ fā duǎnxìn huòzhě dǎ diànhuà.
Please send me a text message or give me a call.

6. chéng to accomplish | to succeed | to complete | to become | to form | achievement | result | established | fully grown | all right | whole | one tenth   Radical:
成 is an associative compounds character(会意字). The oracle bone scripts depict "to split sth. with an axe". Its original meaning is "to accomplish; to succeed".
chénggōng 成功 succeed
Jīngguò nǔlì, wǒ zhōngyú chénggōngle.
Through hard work, I finally succeeded.

7. jiè to guard against | to give up | to drop | to stop | to swear off | to warn   Radical:
戒 is an associated compounds character(会意字). It has 2 parts: 戈(weapon) and 廾(two hands). 戒 expresses "a weapon is held in two hands", meaning "guard against".
jiè give up | drop | stop
Yīshēng jiànyì wǒ jièyān.
The doctor advised me to give up smoking.

8. zhàn to fight | war | fight | battle   Radical:
战 is a phono-semantic compounds character(形声字). The character 占 represents the pronunciation, and the radical 戈 means "fight, war". Its original meaning is "battle, war".
zhànzhēng 战争 war |conflict
Zhànzhēng, bàolì hé pínqióng réngrán bànsuízhe wǒmen.
War, violence and poverty are still with us.

9. drama | play | trick | show   Radical:
戏 is a phono-semantic compounds character(形声字). The sound part is 䖒(xī) which was simplified into 又. The radical 戈 means "fight, weapon". The original meaning of 戏 is "wrestle, fight".
xìjù 戏剧 drama | play | theater
Méiyǒu xìjù shēnghuó jiāng huì zěnyàng?
What will life be like without drama?

10. relative | (surname) | sorrowful | sad   Radical:
戚 is a phono-semantic compounds character(形声字). The left lower part 尗 "shú" represents its previous pronunciation. Now it's pronounced as "qī". The meaning of 戚 is evolved from "a weapon" to "the one close to you"--relative.
qīnqi 亲戚 kinsfolk | relative | relation
Qīnqīmen dōu lái cānjiā jùhuìle.
Relatives have come to the party.

11. jié to cut | to stop | a section | cut off (a length)   Radical:
截 is a phono-semantic compounds character(形声字). It includes 2 components: 戈(weapon) is the semantic component, and the left lower part represents the pronunciation. The original meaning is "cut; sever".
jiézhǐ 截止 cut-off | end | close
Bàomíng yǐjīng jiézhǐ.
Registration has been closed.

12. dài to wear | to put on | to respect | to bear | to support   Radical:
戴 is a phono-semantic compounds character(形声字). The right upper part represents the pronunciation. 異 depicts "to carry something on one's head". The original meaning of 戴 is "to wear; to put on".
dài wear | put on
Tā yuèdú shí dài yǎnjìng.
He wears glasses for reading.
Tā tóu shàng dàile yī duǒ huā.
She was wearing a flower in her hair.
Tā dài shàng màozi, zǒule chūqù.
She put on his hat and went out.
Wǎnhuì shàng měi gè rén dōu yào dài miànjù.
Everybody had to wear a mask at the party.

13. zǎi/zài to carry | to convey | to load | to hold | and | also | as well as | simultaneously, year   Radical:
载 is a phono-semantic compounds character(形声字). The right upper part represents the pronunciation. The radical 车 indicates that this character is related to "vehicles".
jìzǎi 记载 record | put down in writing
Lìshǐ shū jìzǎile zhège shìjiàn.
The history book recorded this event.

14. zāi to plant | to transplant | to grow | to insert | to stick in   Radical:
栽 is a phono-semantic compounds character(形声字). The right upper part represents the pronunciation. The radical 木 indicates that this character is related to "plants".
zāipéi 栽培 grow | plant | cultivate | cropping
Wǒmen zāipéile hěnduō zhíwù.
We have grown a lot of plants.

15. cái to cut | to trim | to reduce | to diminish | to cut out (as a dress) | decision | judgment   Radical:
裁 is a phono-semantic compounds character(形声字). The right upper part represents the pronunciation. The radical 衣 indicates that this character is related to "clothing".
cáiféng 裁缝 tailor | dressmaker
Tā shì gè yīliú de cáiféng.
He is a first-class tailor.