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论语人物故事 >> Reading Comprehension:
曾子和他母亲住在费这个地方的时候,有一天一个和他同名的人杀了人。有人跑到他家里告诉他的母亲。他的母亲说:“我的儿子不会杀人。” 说完,她还是继续织布,神色如常。
  1. 曾参:Zeng Shen (曾参,505 BC - 435 BC), one of Confucius' disciples who was 46 years younger than Confucius. Zeng Shen was known for his filial piety.
  2. 谗言三及:repeat a slander 3 times and it becomes the truth
  3. 母亲:mother
  4. 地方:place
  5. 同名:of the same name
  6. 杀:kill; murder; slaughter
  7. 继续:continue; go on
  8. 织布:weaving cotton cloth; weaving
  9. 神色如常:look as usual
  10. 不理会:ignore; pay no attention to
  11. 沉不住气:lose one's cool; get upset about
  12. 扔掉:throw away
  13. 机杼:loom
  14. 逃跑:run away; flee; escape
  15. 诗:poem
  16. 引用:quote; cite
  17. 典故:(classical) allusion; literary quotation
  18. 慈母:a loving mother