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Level 1 【dà/dài】【dà】big | wide | large | great | huge | major | elder | senior | generous | general | very, 【dài】doctor

大 can be used as:      

部首 Chinese Radical

The radical 大 is commonly known as 大字头(dà zì tóu). It is a pictogram, The Oracle Bone Script of 大 depicts a man standing with arms and legs stretched out.

21 HSK Characters with the radical 大.

大: Used as a Component in Characters

17 HSK Characters contain 大 as a component, but not as a radical.

词根 Word Root

The oracle bone script of this character depicts a man standing with arms and legs stretched out, meaning big. 大 is the opposite of 小-small. It has two pronunciations, dà and dài. 大 means big in amount, size, volume, power, scale, or degree etc.

30 HSK words containing 大