<< HSK Level 1 Lessons

“Nǐ shì shénme shíhòu lái de?”
“Shíwǔ fēnzhōng qián.”
"When did you come?"
"Fifteen minutes ago."
语法点: Subject + 什么 + 时候 + Verb
什么时候, meaning "When, What time", is used to ask questions about time. It can be placed between subject and verb.
- Tā shénme shíhòu qù xuéxiào?
When will he go to school?

“Xiànzài jǐ diǎnle?”
“Xiànzài qī diǎn sìshíbā.”
"What time is it now?"
" It's seven forty-eight."
语法点: 几 + 点/点钟
To ask for the present hour of the day, you can say:
- Jǐ diǎn le?
What time is it? - Xiànzài jǐ diǎnzhōng?
What time is it now?

“Nǐ zuò jǐ diǎn de fēijī?”
“Shàngwǔ jiǔ diǎn shí fēn.”
"What time is your flight?"
"Ten past nine in the morning."
语法点: 【Length of time: 分钟】 vs.【Length of time or Point in time: 分】
分钟 is a word to express the length of time. It can be used individually.
分 is always used with other time words, such as ‘小时/点/秒 ’. It can express a point in time or length of time.
分 is always used with other time words, such as ‘小时/点/秒 ’. It can express a point in time or length of time.
- Tā shuìle 40 fēnzhōng.
He slept for 40 minutes. - Xiànzài shì xiàwǔ 8 diǎn 19 fēn.
现在是下午8点 19分 。
It is now 8:19 PM.

“Jīntiān xīngqí jǐ?”
“Jīntiān xīngqítiān, míngtiān wǒ qù xuéxiào.”
"What day is today?"
"Today is Sunday, I will go to school tomorrow."
语法点: 星期 + 几? 几 + 月/日/号?
几 can be used to ask about Date or Week.
- Jīntiān shì xīngqí jǐ?
What day of the week is it today? - Jīntiān jǐ hào? / Jīntiān jǐ yuè jǐ rì?
今天几号? / 今天几月几日?
What is today’s date?

“Nǐ kāi chūzūchē duōshào niánle?”
“Shí jǐ niánle.”
"How many years have you driven a taxi?"
"A dozen years."
语法点: Subject + Verb + 多少 + Units of Time?
【多少 + Units of Time】 can be used after verb to ask about the length of time.

“Nǐ érzi duōdàle?”
“Yī suì líng liù gè yuè.”
"How old is your son?"
"One year and six months."
语法点: 【the age of senior】 vs. 【the age of children】
多大 can be used to ask a child's age.
几 indicates small numbers (0<几<10). 多大 and 几岁 are not proper ways to ask about the age of senior.
几 indicates small numbers (0<几<10). 多大 and 几岁 are not proper ways to ask about the age of senior.
- Nín jīnnián gāoshòu?/ Nín duōdà niánjìle?
您今年高寿?/ 您多大年纪了?
how old are you? - Xiǎopéngyǒu, nǐ jǐ suìle?| Nǐ duōdàle?
小朋友,你几岁了?| 你多大了?
How old are you, kid?

“Zhèxiē píngguǒ duōshǎo qián?”
“Èrshísān kuài.”
"How much are these apples?"
"Twenty-three yuan."
语法点: Subject + 多少 + 元/钱?
Prices can be requested by asking:
Thing(s) + 多少钱? or 多少元(RMB Yuan)?
Thing(s) + 多少钱? or 多少元(RMB Yuan)?
- Qǐngwèn zhège duōshǎo yuán?
How much is this? - Qù běijīng de fēijī piào duōshǎo qián?
How much is the flight ticket to Beijing?
部首 Chinese Radical

The radical "日" is commonly known as 日字旁(Rì Zì Páng). Chinese characters having the radical 日 are often related to the sun or time.
48 HSK Characters containing 日.
词根 Word Root

【fèn】 part | component
The character 分 consists of two parts: 八-"eight" and 刀-"knife", which means "to cut into two halves with a knife (一分为二)".
分 has two pronunciations: "fēn" and "fèn".
In HSK 1-6 vocabulary, 27 compound words contain 分.
27 HSK words containing 分