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比 笔 (2 characters)
必 鼻 (2 characters)
毕 币 (2 characters)
避 彼 闭 壁 (4 characters)
逼 臂 蔽 辟 弊 鄙 泌 庇 痹 (9 characters)
必 鼻 (2 characters)
毕 币 (2 characters)
避 彼 闭 壁 (4 characters)
逼 臂 蔽 辟 弊 鄙 泌 庇 痹 (9 characters)
bi (19 Characters + Words)
- 【bǐ/bì】 比 to compare | (particle used for comparison and "-er than") | to contrast
- 比prep. (used to make comparison) [level: 2]
- 比较adv. fairly | quite [level: 3]
- 比赛n. competition [level: 3]
- 比赛v. compete [level: 3]
- 比如v. take sth for example [level: 4]
- 比例 scale | scaling | proportion [level: 5]
- 对比 contrast | comparison | balance [level: 5]
- 比方 analogy | example | for example [level: 6]
- 比喻 metaphor or simile | analogy | figure of speech [level: 6]
- 比重 proportion | specific gravity | specific weight [level: 6]
- 无比 incomparable | unparalleled | matchless [level: 6]
- 【bì】 必 certainly | must | will
- 必须adv. must | have to [level: 3]
- 必然 inevitable | certain | necessarily [level: 5]
- 必要 requisite | necessary | certainly need [level: 5]
- 何必 there is no need | why [level: 5]
- 未必 not necessarily | not sure [level: 5]
- 势必 be bound to | certainly will [level: 6]
- 务必 must | be sure to [level: 6]
- 【bǐ】 笔 pen | pencil | writing brush
- 铅笔n. pencil [level: 2]
- 笔记本n. notebook [level: 3]
- 笔记本n. laptop [level: 3]
- 【bì】 避 avoid | shun | flee
- 避免 avoid | refrain from | avert [level: 5]
- 逃避 escape | evade | shirk [level: 5]
- 回避 avoid (meeting sb.) | debarb | dodge [level: 6]
- 【bì】 毕 the whole of | to finish | to complete
- 毕业sv. graduate [level: 4]
- 毕竟 after all | all in all | in the long run [level: 5]
- 完毕 finish | complete | end [level: 6]
- 【bì】 币 money | coins | currency
- 人民币n. Renminbi(RMB) | China Yuan(CNY) [level: 5]
- 货币 money | currency [level: 6]
- 【bǐ】 彼 that | those | (one) another)
- 彼此 each other | both parties | one another [level: 5]
- 【bì】 闭 to close | stop up | shut
- 关闭 close | shut | shut off [level: 5]
- 闭塞 unenlightened | out of touch | hard to get to [level: 6]
- 倒闭 close down | go bankrupt | go into liquidation [level: 6]
- 封闭 seal off | seal (up) [level: 6]
- 【bí】 鼻 nose
- 鼻子n. nose [level: 3]
- 鼻涕 nasal mucus | nasal discharge | snivel [level: 6]
- 【bì】 壁 wall | rampart
- 隔壁 next door [level: 5]
- 悬崖峭壁 precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs | sheer precipice and overhanging rocks | a sheer rock [level: 6]
- 【bī】 逼 close to | compel, force | compel
- 逼迫 force | compel | coerce [level: 6]
- 【bì】 臂 arm
- 臂 arm | upper arm [level: 6]
- 【bì】 蔽 to cover | to shield | to screen
- 隐蔽 take cover | seek cover | hide [level: 6]
- 【bì/pì】 辟 king | emperor | monarch
- 开辟 break | open up | hew out [level: 6]
- 【bì】 弊 detriment | fraud | harm
- 弊病 malady | evil | malpractice [level: 6]
- 弊端 malpractice [level: 6]
- 作弊 practise fraud | cheat [level: 6]
- 【bǐ】 鄙 rustic | low | base
- 卑鄙 despicable | contemptible [level: 6]
- 鄙视 despise | disdain | look down upon [level: 6]
- 【bì/mì】 泌 secrete | pour off
- 分泌 secrete | secretion | excretion [level: 6]
- 【bì】 庇 to protect | cover | shelter
- 包庇 cover up | shield | harbor [level: 6]
- 【bì】 痹 paralysis, numbness, numb | paralysis
- 麻痹 paralysis | palsy [level: 6]