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Characters with Similar Pronunciations (Page 14)

HSK4 > 发音相近的字(TXT) > Page 14
ran 2    ren 3    reng 2    ru 2   

ran   (2 Characters)

  1. 【rán】
    1. 虽然-但是-【suīrán-dànshì-】 though | but | however [level: 2] conj.
    2. 当然【dāngrán】 of course | naturally | certainly [level: 3] adv.
    3. 然后【ránhòu】 then | after that | afterwards [level: 3] conj.
    4. 突然【tūrán】 sudden | abrupt | unexpected [level: 3] adj.
    5. 突然【tūrán】 suddenly | abruptly | unexpectedly [level: 3] adv.
    6. 既然【jìrán】 since [level: 4] conj.
    7. 竟然【jìngrán】 unexpectedly [level: 4] adv.
    8. 然而【rán’ér】 but | yet | however | nevertheless [level: 4] conj.
    9. 仍然【réngrán】 still | yet [level: 4] adv.
    10. 自然【zìrán】 nature | natural world [level: 4] n.
  2. 【rǎn】
    1. 污染【wūrǎn】 pollute | contaminate | taint [level: 4] v.
    2. 污染【wūrǎn】 pollution | contamination [level: 4] n.
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ren   (3 Characters)

  1. 【rén】
    1. 【rén】 human being | person | people [level: 1] n.
    2. 中国人【zhōngguó rén】 Chinese people [level: 1] n.
    3. 别人【biéren】 other people | another person [level: 3] pron.
    4. 客人【kèrén 】 guest [level: 3] n.
    5. 人民币【rén mín bì】 Ren Min Bi(RMB) | China Yuan(CNY) [level: 4] n.
  2. 【rèn】
    1. 任何【rènhé】 any | whichever | whatever [level: 4] pron.
    2. 任务【rènwu】 task | assignment | mission | job | duty [level: 4] n.
    3. 责任【zérèn】 duty | responsibility [level: 4] n.
  3. 【rèn】
    1. 认识【rènshi】 get to know | get acquainted with [level: 1] v.
    2. 认为【rènwéi】 think | consider [level: 3] v.
    3. 认真【rènzhēn】 serious | earnest | conscientious [level: 3] adj.
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reng   (2 Characters)

  1. 【réng】
    1. 仍然【réngrán】 still | yet [level: 4] adv.
  2. 【rēng】
    1. 【rēng】 throw away | cast aside [level: 4] v.
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ru   (2 Characters)

  1. 【rú】
    1. 如果【rúguǒ】 if | in case | in the event of | supposing that [level: 3] conj.
    2. 比如【bǐrú】 take sth for example [level: 4] v.
    3. 例如【lìrú】 for example | for instance [level: 4] adv.
  2. 【rù】
    1. 入口【rùkǒu】 entrance | entry [level: 4] n.
    2. 收入【shōurù】 income | revenue [level: 4] n.
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