每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

No.132 每日一题 Daily Quiz [HSK 3]

Please match up sentences from two columns. This quiz allows only one to one matches in the correct answer.
  1. A:晚上在哪儿见面?
    B:就在老 (__)见。
  2. A:你喜欢这种音乐节目?
    B:(__)我只想听听那些老 歌。
  3. A:那个药的作用怎么样?脚好些了吗?
  4. A:他的(__)说得真好。
  5. A:买这么多鲜花,今天是谁的生日啊?
A.关心  B. 其实  C. 普通话  D. 为  E. 地方 
  1. jiànmiàn 见面 meet   (HSK 3) [sv.]
  2. lǎo aged; old   (HSK 3) [adj.]
  3. guānxīn 关心 care for; be concerned for   (HSK 3) [v.]
  4. zhǒng kind; sort; type   (HSK 3) [nm.]
  5. yīnyuè 音乐 music   (HSK 3) [n.]
  6. jiémù 节目 show; performance; program   (HSK 3) [n.]
  7. zhǐ only; merely; just   (HSK 3) [adv.]
  8. qíshí 其实 actually; in fact; as a matter of fact   (HSK 3) [adv.]
  9. jiǎo foot   (HSK 3) [n.]
  10. pǔtōnghuà 普通话 Mandarin Chinese   (HSK 3) [n.]
  11. dāngrán 当然 of course; naturally; certainly   (HSK 3) [adv.]
  12. huā flower   (HSK 3) [n.]
  13. a to express surprise, exclamation or promise   (HSK 3) [int.]
  14. dìfang 地方 place   (HSK 3) [n.]
  15. wèi for   (HSK 3) [prep.]
Answers: 1-E 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-D