每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

沈佺期 Shen Quanqi (656-714 AD)

⬅️ 唐诗 Tang Poems

Shen Quanqi (沈佺期, 656-714 AD) was a famous Chinese poet in early Tang Dynasty (608-907 AD). He and Song Zhiwen (宋之问,656-712 AD) were known as "Shen-Song" for their contributions to the development and perfection of regulated verse form of classical Chinese poetry. Like many of his contemporaries, Shen Quanqi was also involved into the political turmoil in early Tang Dynasty. He was imprisoned and was sent into exile to Annan, now Vietnam. But Shen Quanqi was fortunate. He was pardoned later and was recalled to undertake various positions. Eventually he was promoted to be the grand secretary to the emperor.