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骆宾王 Luo Binwang (640-684 AD)

⬅️ 唐诗 Tang Poems

Luo Binwang (640-684 AD) was one of Four Paragons in early Tang dynasty (681-907 AD). Of many his works, this Ode to the Goose was the most well-known poem and selected in text book in China. It was believed Luo Binwang composed this poem when he was 17. After he grew up, he served on staff of different prestigious figures, including a prince and a general. But Luo Binwang is best known for his writing of a declaration against then Empress Wu Zetian (武则天, 624-705 AD). Wu Zetian (武则天) was a concubine of Emperor Taizong (唐太宗), then became the empress of Emperor Gaozong (唐高宗), Emperor Taizong's son. After Emperor Gaozong had a stroke, Wu Zetian gradually became the actual ruler of the imperial court. 7 years after Emperor Gaozong's death, Wu Zetian seized the throne and became the only female monarch in Chinese history. In 684 AD, Luo Binwang, together with some other officials, supported Xu Jingye,the Duke of Yin to rebel against Wu Zetian. That was when he wrote the famous declaration. When Empress Wu Zetian read the declaration, she laughed at it. But as she continued to read and when she reached the portion of "the oil on the emperor's tomb is not yet dry, to whom the orphaned monarch can be entrusted", she asked:"Who is the author of this declaration?" Someone told her it was Luo Binwang. The Empress Wu Zetian said:"It is our prime minister's fault, to let such talent overlooked." Later that year, Xu Jingye's rebellion was defeated. Luo Binwang was also killed. After Luo Binwang's death, Emperor Zhongzong (唐中宗) ordered to collect his works and had them published.