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⬅️甲骨文-汉字卡片 - 十二生肖

鼠 牛 虎 兔 龙 蛇 马 羊 猴 鸡 狗 猪

甲骨文 - Oracle Bone Inscriptions (around 1300-1050 BC)
shǔ 鼠 rat
niú 牛 ox
hǔ 虎 tiger
tù 兔 rabbit
lóng 龙 dragon
shé 蛇 snake
mǎ 马 horse
yáng 羊 sheep
羊 is pictograph character. The original scripts depict a goat's head.
hóu 猴 monkey In ancient Chinese, 猴 was 夒/náo/.
jī 鸡 rooster
gǒu 狗 dog
zhū 猪 pig
In ancient Chinese, 猪 was 豕/shǐ/. 豕 is one of Chinese Radicals. Chinese characters with the radical 豕 is usually related to "pig/hog/swine".