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【Part 9】Chinese Radicals 汉字部首 - Summary - 10个部首(声旁) - 16个部首+变体 - 70 常用部首...

⬅️汉字部首 - Summary

In the previous videos, I have introduced a total of 175 Chinese radicals. Today, let's review and summarize these radicals. 

A radical is usually the main semantic component of Chinese characters. In very few occasions, a radical can play a phonetic role instead. 

Next, I am going to introduce 10 Chinese characters having radicals as their phonetic components. (字,骂,笼,闷,致,到,锦,饰,毙,疏)

For example: the radical 子 can appear in different placements, such as: at the bottom of 字, on the left side of 孩, on the lower-right corner of 存, on the upper part of 孟.

Most radicals are characters themselves. It is especially true for pictograph characters. For example: The radical "马" is also a pictograph character.

Some radicals are no longer used as characters. They are just radicals or word-forming components. For example: 疋.

Next, I will show you 16 radicals and their variants
手~扌  水~氵  人~亻  心~忄  糸~纟  言~讠  火~灬  金~钅  刀~刂  衣~衤  犬~犭  攴~攵  食~饣  示~礻  牛~牜  爪~爫
The shapes of these variants have changed according to their placements in characters. Some of the variants have been simplified. Some radicals usually appear in the same placement. For example: 四点底 is often at the bottom of characters.

The following 70 radicals can be found in 80% of 3000 HSK characters. I will present them in slide shows. You can check if you still recognize them.
扌 氵 口 木 亻 艹 月 讠 纟 辶 土 女 忄 阝 日 心 贝 宀 火 钅 目 刂 禾 石 竹 足 页 力 山 大 巾 广 犭 疒 攵 车 尸 田 马 彳 门 虫 穴 米 酉 饣 冫 灬 厂 子 又 囗 人 王 雨 弓 礻 耳 皿 衣 刀 衤 戈 欠 走 立 鸟 手 寸 舟
The radicals and other components together form individual characters. Learning radicals can help us better understand the structure of characters and memorize them effectively.