每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

17 HSK Characters with the radical 氵 冫 雨 灬 and 火 - HSK 三级汉字 Part 4

In this video, I will introduce:
-- 17 HSK Level 3 Characters

沙 浪 汁 汤 泳 深 济 消 注 派 演
需 决 况 烈 烟 烦

-- 5 radical: 氵, 雨, 冫, 灬, 火
-- 3 components: 需(儒), 沙(鲨), 汤(荡,烫)
-- 16 syllables
-- 17 Word Roots
-- 112 words (37 HSK level 3 Words and 75 higher-level words composed of level 1 to 3 characters)

部首 🌱 Chinese Radical

The radical is commonly known as 三点水 (sān diǎn shuǐ). Chinese characters with this radical are usually related to water or liquid.
📘 is originated from the character "", which means flowing water.

The radical is commonly known as 雨字头 (yǔ zì tóu). Chinese characters with this radical are usually related to rainfall, snowfall, clouds, thunder etc. is often placed on the upper part of a character.
📘 The oracle bone script of resembles rain falling from the sky.

The radical is commonly known as 两点水 (liǎng diǎn shuǐ). Characters with the semantic component 冫 indicate things related to low temperatures or ice. is mostly placed on the left side of a character.
📘 In ancient Chinese, is the same as the character /bīng/ which means "ice".

The radical is commonly known as 四点儿 (sì diǎnr). Chinese characters with the radical are usually related to fire. 灬 is often placed on the lower part of a character.
📘 is the same as the character (huǒ-fire). Its oracle bone script resembles a burning fire.

The radical is commonly known as 火字旁(huǒ zì páng). Chinese characters with the radical are usually related to fire.
📘 The oracle bone script of the character resembles a burning fire.

词根/词缀 Word Roots/Affixes
21 HSK words contain the word root . (HSK level 1-9)
16 HSK words contain the word root . (HSK level 1-9)
11 HSK words contain the word root . (HSK level 1-9)
24 HSK words contain the word root . (HSK level 1-9)
16 HSK words contain the word root . (HSK level 1-9)

When used as roots, 演 深 决 消 注, these 5 Chinese characters have strong word forming ability.

例句 Example Sentences
  1. 【深】他吸了一口气。 He took a deep breath.
  2. 【深入】我们应该更深入地讨论这一问题。 We should discuss this issue in more depth.
  3. 【取消】婚礼被取消了。 The wedding was cancelled.
  4. 【关注】人们极为关注环境问题。 People are extremely concerned about environmental issues.
  5. 【注意】在我说话的时候,请注意听。 Please pay attention when I speak.
  6. 【派】没有人我,我自己来的。 No one sent me. I am here on my own account.
  7. 【演】她这个角色再合适不过了。 She couldn't be more suitable for this role.
  8. 【取决于】价格的高低取决于市场的需求。 Prices are governed by market demand.
  9. 【需要】你需要帮助吗? Do you need any help?
  10. 【解决】她尽了最大的努力解决这个问题。 She tried her best to solve the problem.
  11. 【决定】他们决定早点出发。 They determined to start early.
  12. 【决定】我们不要匆忙作决定。 Let's not make any hasty decisions.
  13. 【决心】她要取得成功的决心从未动摇过。 She never wavered in her determination to succeed.
  14. 【何况】你都赶不上他,何况我呢? If you can't catch up with him, how can I?
  15. 【况且】我并不想去。况且又开始下雨了。 I don't really want to go. Besides, it's beginning to rain.
  16. 【强烈】他一直强烈反对这一主张。 He has always strongly opposed this proposition.
  17. 【热烈】新成员受到热烈欢迎。 New members are warmly welcomed.
  18. 【麻烦】我们的麻烦还没有完呢。 Our troubles aren't over yet.
  19. 【麻烦】买房子会是件很麻烦的事。 Buying a house can be a very troublesome business.
Now, We have learned 17 Chinese characters and 112 HSK words through radicals, components, syllables, word roots and example sentences. In this way, we can learn and review vocabulary more effectively.