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HSK-2(2021) 二级离合词 30 Separable Words

HSK-2(2021) 二级离合词 30 Separable Words(Verb-Object Type and Verb-Complement Type)

In this video, I will introduce 30 Separable Words of HSK level 2. These words consist of 2 different types: Verb-Object Type and Verb-Complement Type. They can be used as a single compound word. They also can be separated by other words, including the aspect particles 着/了/过, numeral-measure word phrases, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, nouns, etc.

Let's take a look.
  1. 【做饭】他会做饭吗? ----Can he cook? The verb 做 means "to make | to cook"; The Object 饭 means "meal".
  2. 【做饭】他每天要做二十个人的饭。 ----He cooks meals for twenty people every day. 的 is the attributive marker. The phrase 二十个人的 is used as an attributive to ascribe the characteristic of the object in the sentence.
  3. 【洗澡】我每天洗澡。 ----I bathe every day. The verb 洗 means "to wash | to bathe"; The Object 澡 means a bath. 洗澡 means "take a bath".
  4. 【洗澡】我洗完澡就去睡觉了。 ----I went to bed after taking a shower. The verb 完 means "finish | complete". As a result complement, 完 follows a verb, meaning "finish doing something".
  5. 【洗澡】我想洗个热水澡。 ----I want to take a hot bath. As the attributive, the measure word 个 and the noun 热水 are placed before the object, which means "a hot (bath)".
  6. 【停车】这条街两边都可停车。 ----You can park on either side of the street. The verb 停 means "to stop | to park"; The Object 车 means "a car".
  7. 【停车】喂!停一下车。 ----Hey! Please stop the car for a minute. The Numeral-Measure Word 一下 is used after a verb to indicate a short action or an action that only happens once.
  8. 【停车】他在红绿灯处停了车。 ----He pulled up at the traffic lights. The aspect particle 了 indicates the completion of the action 停.
  9. 【照相】我给你照相,站着别动。 ----Stand still while I take your photo. The verb 照 means "to photograph"; The Object 相 means "a photo".
  10. 【照相】人们照完相就去参加婚礼。 ----People went to the wedding after the photographs had been taken. The result complement 完 means "finish taking a photo".
  11. 【照相】他们站在一起照了一张相。 ----They stood together and took a photo. The aspect particle 了 indicates the completion of the action 照. The numeral-measure word 一张 is to describe the object 相.
  12. 【住院】我的数学老师生病住院了。 ----My math teacher is sick and hospitalized. The verb 住 means "to stay | to live"; The Object 院 means "hospital".
  13. 【住院】今年他已经住过两次院。 ----He has been hospitalized twice this year. The aspect particle 过 indicates that the action has already been experienced. The numeral-measure word 两次 means twice. 过两次 indicates that the action 住 has been experienced twice.
  14. 【出院】我现已出院,很快就会康复。 ----I am now out of the hospital and well on the way to recovery. The verb 出 means "to go out | to leave"; The Object 院 means "hospital".
  15. 【出院】他第二天就出了院。 ----He was discharged from the hospital the next day. The aspect particle 了 indicates the completion of the action 出.
  16. 【出门】出门时请随手关灯。 ----Please turn off the lights when you go out. The verb 出 means "to go out"; The Object 门 means "door | gate".
  17. 【出门】下雪使他们出不了门。 ----The snow kept them indoors. The potential complement 不了 indicates that the action 出 can't happen.
  18. 【出国】学生们可以选择出国学习。 ----Students have the option of studying abroad. The verb 出 means "to go out"; The Object 国 means "country | state".
  19. 【出国】他没有出过国。 ----He has never been abroad. The aspect particle 过 is used to indicate that the action has already been experienced.
  20. 【过年】他下周回家过年。 ----He'll go home next week for the Spring Festival. The verb 过 means "to celebrate (a holiday)"; The Object 年 means "New Year | the Spring Festival".
  21. 【过年】我在家过了农历新年。 ----I spent the Chinese New Year at home. The aspect particle 了 indicates the completion of the action 过. The noun 农历 and the adjective 新 are used as attributive of 年.
  22. 【休假】你看上去很累,应该休假了。 ----You look tired. You should take a vacation. The verb 休 means "to rest"; The Object 假 means "vacation".
  23. 【休假】你休了几天假? ----How many days did you take off ? The question word 几 and the measure word 天 are used to ask "How many days?".
  24. 【休假】她正在休短假。 ----She is on a short vacation. The adjective 短 is used to describe the object 假. 短假 means "short vacation".
  25. 【干杯】让我们为公司的成功干杯! ----Let's toast the success of the company! The verb 干 means "to empty, to dry"; The Object 杯 means "cup". 干杯 means "cheers | propose a toast".
  26. 【干杯】他提议为新年干一杯。 ----He proposed a toast to the new year.
  27. 【加油】“加油,”她对自己说。 ----"Come on," she said to herself. The verb 加 means "to add"; The Object 油 means "oil". 加油 means "come on | make a greater effort".
  28. 【加油】我就坐在场边为他们加加油。 ----I just sat on the courtside and cheered for them. To change verb-object phrases into reduplicated ones, you only need to reduplicate the verbal part.
  29. 【放心】你就放心吧,我们会找到他。 ----Don't worry, we will find him. The verb 放 means "to release"; The Object 心 means "heart". 放心 means "be assured | take it easy".
  30. 【放心】我对他还是放不下心。 ----I still cannot stop worrying about him. The potential complement 不下 indicates that an action can't happen.
  31. 【点头】他点头打了个招呼。 ----He nodded and said hello. The verb 点 means "to nod"; The Object 头 means "head". 点头 means "nod one's head".
  32. 【点头】他点了一下头说:“我明白了。” ----He gave a nod and said, "I see." The Numeral-Measure Word 一下 is used after the verb 点 to indicate that the action only happens once.
  33. 【点头】她想了想,然后点了点头。 ----She thought for a while and then nodded. Please notes that you only need to reduplicate the verbal part in the reduplication form of the Verb-Object Type Separable Words, for example: 点点头 or 点了点头. Don't repeat the whole word 点头.
  34. 【请客】我请客,你想喝什么? ----My treat, what would you like to drink? The verb 请 means "to invite"; The Object 客 means "guests". 请客 means "stand treat | entertain guests".
  35. 【请客】让我请一次客吧。 ----Let me treat you this time.
  36. 【打工】他在一家快餐店打工。 ----He works in a fast food restaurant. The verb 打 means "to do | to engage in"; The Object 工 means "work | job". 打工 means "do work for others".
  37. 【打工】他同时打了两份工。 ----He did two jobs at the same time. The numeral-measure word 两份 is used to describe the object 工. 两份工 means "two jobs".
  38. 【打工】我不知道自己还可以打什么工。 ----I don't know what else I can do. The question word 什么 is placed before the object 工 to ask "what kind of job".
  39. 【干活儿】他正在地里干活儿。 ----He is working in the field. The verb 干 means "to work | to do"; The Object 活儿 means "work | job". 干活儿 means "work".
  40. 【干活儿】他想让一个人干三个人的活儿。 ----He wants one person to do the work of three people. 三个人的 is the attributive of the object 活儿.
  41. 【干活儿】活儿都是我干,好处都是他得。 ----I do all the work and he gets the benefits. In this sentence, the object 活儿 is placed before the verb 干
  42. 【排队】人们已经在排队了。 ----People are already queuing. The verb 排 means "to queue up"; The Object 队 means "line | row". 排队 means "to queue up in a line".
  43. 【排队】你排了多长时间队? ----How long have you been in line? The question word 多长 and the noun 时间 are used to ask "How long?"
  44. 【排队】我们排了一个小时的队。 ----We lined up for an hour. The numeral-measure phrase 一个小时 and the structural particle 的 are the attributive of the object 队.
  45. 【报名】学生们报名参加了比赛。 ----The students signed up for the game. The verb 报 means "to report | to inform"; The Object 名 means "name". 报名 means "sign up | enroll".
  46. 【报名】他们给我报了名上音乐课。 ----They registered me for music class. The aspect particle 了 indicates the completion of the action 报.
  47. 【开学】孩子们下星期开学。 ----The children will start school next week. The verb 开 means "to open"; The Object 学 means "school". 开学 means "school opens | term begins".
  48. 【开学】他开了学就该上四年级了。 ----He should be in fourth grade when school starts. The aspect particle 了 indicates the completion of the action 开.
  49. 【开机】他的电话还是没开机。 ----His phone is still off. The verb 开 means "to start"; The Object 机 means "machine". 开机 means "starting up (computer, cell phone, or machine, etc.)".
  50. 【开机】电脑开不了机怎么办? ----What should I do if the computer won't start? The potential complement 不了 indicates that the action 开 can't happen.
  51. 【关机】电脑五分钟后会自动关机。 ----The computer will automatically shut down after five minutes. The verb 关 means "to shut down | to turn off"; The Object 机 means "machine". 关机 means "shutdown | power off".
  52. 【关机】她关掉了手机。 ----She turned off the phone. The result complement 掉 is used after the verb 关 to indicate the completion of the action 关.
  53. 【讲话】她讲话带着北京口音。 ----She spoke with a Beijing accent. The verb 讲 means "to speak | to talk"; The Object 话 means "spoken words | talk". 讲话 means "talk about something".
  54. 【讲话】我把她讲的每一句话都记了下来。 ----I wrote down every word of her speech. 的 is used after the verb 讲 to emphasize the object 话. 每一句 is the attributive of 话.
  55. 【听讲】她一边听讲,一边记笔记。 ----She took notes while listening to the lecture. The verb 听 means "listen to"; In this word, 讲 is a noun object, meaning "speech | lecture". 听讲 means "listen to a lecture".
  56. 【听讲】我听了第一讲,就喜欢上了这门课。 ----After listening to the first lecture, I liked this course. The ordinal number 第一 is to modify the object 讲. 第一讲 means "the first lecture".
  57. 【离开】我们马上离开这儿吧。 ----Let's get out of here right now. The verb 离 means "leave"; In this word, 开 is a result complement, meaning "be away". 离开 means "to be away from".
  58. 【离开】我离不开手机。 ----I can't live without my cell phone. 不开 is the negative form of potential complement which means the action 离 can't happen.
  59. 【离开】你的生活离得开手机吗? ----Can you live without a cell phone? The potential complement 得开 means the action 离 can happen.
  60. 【分开】我和我的朋友被分开了。 ----My friend and I were separated. The verb 分 means "to divide"; In this word, 开 indicates the result of the action 分. 分开 means "separate | part".
  61. 【分开】鱼和水是分不开的。 ----Fish and water are inseparable. 不开 is the negative form of potential complement which means the action 分 can't happen.
  62. 【分开】我把它们的间距分得更开。 ----I spaced them more widely. The degree adverb 更 is added between the potential complement 得 and 开 to express higher degree of the action 分.
  63. 【站住】她忽然站住不动了。 ----She suddenly stood still. The verb 站 means "to stand"; The result complement 住 means to stop or keep still. 站住 means "stand still".
  64. 【站住】谁能在你面前站得住呢? ----Who can stand in front of you? 得住 is the potential complement which means the action 站 can happen.
  65. 【站住】她累得站都站不住了。 She was too tired to stand. The verb 站 is reduplicated, and the adverb 都 is to emphasize that the action can't happen.
  66. 【完成】我已经完成了。 ----I've already done it. 成 is the result complement of the action 完.
  67. 【完成】你们完得成完不成这个任务? ----Can you accomplish this task or not? 不成 is the negative form of potential complement which means the action 完 can't happen.
  68. 【碰见】我在图书馆碰见了她。 ----I ran into her at the library. The verb 碰 means "meet with"; 见 is the result complement of the action 碰.
  69. 【碰见】如果再碰不见你,祝你早午晚都安。 ----In case I don't see you. Good morning, good afternoon and good night. 不见 is the negative form of the potential complement which means the action 碰 can't happen.
  70. 【提高】她的汉语水平提高了很多。 ----Her Chinese has improved a lot. The verb 提 means "raise | promote"; The adjective 高 is the result complement of 提, meaning "high". 提高 means "improve | increase".
  71. 【提高】我的成绩提不高怎么办? ----What should I do if my grades are not improved? 不高 is the negative form of the potential complement which means the action 提 can't happen.
  72. 【提高】为什么把这件事提得这么高? ----Why did you raise this so high? The adverb 这么 is added between the potential complement 得 and 高 to emphasize the degree.

Now, we have learned 24 Verb-Object Type Separable Words and 6 Verb-Complement Type Separable Words. Separable words are widely used in spoken Chinese. Learning how to use separable words can help you better understand Chinese sentence structures.