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二级汉字 No.1-28 🌱部首 🍃组件 🌿词根 (Part 1)

Over the next few videos, I will start to introduce HSK level 2 vocabulary.

Today, let's learn 28 Characters, which include 4 Chinese Radicals 🌱部首 (目,青,心,草), 9 components 🍃组件 (目,相,直,青,心,感,必,急,草), and 28 word roots 🌿词根. They are also the word roots for more than 581 HSK words from level 1 to level 9.

The character 目 is a Chinese radical which is commonly known as 目字旁. Chinese Characters with the radical 目 are usually related to eyes or activities of eyes. 目 is a pictograph character. The Oracle Bone Script of 目 depicts a human eye. Nowadays, when talking about eyes, people mostly use "Yǎn" 眼. 目 is often used in the written language.

The character 相 has 2 pronunciations. 【xiāng】 means "each other"; 【xiàng】 means "to look at, photograph". The character contains two components. On the left side, 木 means wood. On the right side, 目 means eye.
相 serves as the sound component to represent the pronunciations in the following characters 想,箱,厢 and 霜.

Not only single-component characters can be used to form other characters, multi-component characters (such as 相) can also form other characters.

The character 直 is used as a sound component in the following characters 真,值,置,植 and 殖.

The radical 青 is commonly known as 青字旁(qīng zì páng). Chinese Characters with the radical 青 are usually related to colors.
青 is a combined ideogram character. In its original forms, the upper part is 生, meaning the plant is newly born; The lower part is 丹, which represents the color.
青 originally means the color of new plants -- green.
Only 2 HSK Characters have the radical 青: 青 and 静.
青 acts as the sound component in the following 6 characters: 请,情,清,睛,晴,精.

The original meaning of 静 was "evenly spaced colors - 彩色分布适当".

The radical 心 is commonly known as 心字底(Xīn Zì Dǐ). Most characters with the radical 心 are related to psychological and emotional activities. This radical is usually placed on the lower part of a character.
The character 心 is a pictograph character. Its oracle bone script depicts a human heart. In ancient China, people believed that the heart was not only an organ for pumping blood, but also an organ for thinking.
94 HSK Characters have the radical 心 | 忄. (HSK level 1-9)
6 HSK Characters have the component 心 | 忄. (HSK level 1-9)
102 HSK words contain the word root 心. (HSK level 1-9)
心 is a commonly used word roots.

The radical 忄 is commonly known as 竖心旁(Shù Xīn Páng). It evolved from the radical 心. Most characters with the radical 忄 are related to psychological and emotional activities. This radical is always placed on the left side of a character.

acts as a sound component in the following characters: 密,秘,蜜,泌. It represents the pronunciation "bi or -i".

The radical 艹 is commonly known as 草字头(cǎo zì tóu). Chinese characters with this radical are usually related to grass, herbs or plants. 艹 is often placed on the upper part of a character. 艹 is the same as the character 草, which means grass, herbs or plants.

In this video, we have learned 28 level 2 characters and 71 level 2 words.

Understanding the radicals, components and word roots can help you accomplished more with less effort.