Go back to HSK 1 Vocabulary 📌 新中文水平等级标准(2021年)
Today let's learn 15 Chinese Radicals [目, 见, 讠, 心, 忄, 走, 足, 辶, 门, 囗, 行, 彳, 阝, 车 and 马].
They are associated with total of 57 HSK level 1 characters and 147 HSK level 1 words.
15 Chinese Radicals
[目, 见, 讠, 心, 忄, 走, 足, 辶, 门, 囗, 行, 彳, 阝, 车 and 马]
For example:

Word List
- 着 zhe (continuous aspect marker)
- 好看 hǎokàn good-looking | nice
- 看 kàn look | watch | read ……
- 看病 kàn//bìng see a doctor | go to a doctor | consult a doctor
- 看到 kàn dào see | catch sight of
- 看见 kàn//jiàn see (somebody or something)
- 认真 rènzhēn serious | earnest | conscientious
- 真 zhēn true | genuine | real ……
- 真的 zhēn de really
- 睡 shuì sleep
- 睡觉 shuì//jiào sleep | go to bed
- 现在 xiànzài now
- 见 jiàn see | catch sight of | meet with ……
- 见面 jiàn//miàn meet
- 看见 kàn//jiàn see (somebody or something)
- 听见 tīng//jiàn heard
- 再见 zàijiàn goodbye
- 觉得 juéde feel | think
- 睡觉 shuì//jiào sleep | go to bed
- 电视 diànshì television
- 电视机 diànshìjī television
- 说 shuō speak | talk | say
- 说话 shuō//huà speak | talk | say
- 打电话 dǎ diànhuà make a phone call
- 电话 diànhuà phone | telephone
- 话 huà words | dialect
- 说话 shuō//huà speak | talk | say
- 认识 rènshi get to know | get acquainted with
- 认真 rènzhēn serious | earnest | conscientious
- 记 jì record | keep in mind | remember
- 记得 jìde remember | learn by heart
- 记住 jìzhù remember | keep in mind | bear in mind ……
- 忘记 wàngjì forget
- 认识 rènshi get to know | get acquainted with
- 知识 zhīshi knowledge
- 请 qǐng please | request | invite ……
- 请假 qǐng//jià ask for leave
- 请进 qǐng jìn Please come in
- 请问 qǐngwèn excuse me | please | May I ask ...?
- 请坐 qǐng zuò have a seat
- 汉语 hànyǔ Chinese language
- 外语 wàiyǔ foreign language
- 告诉 gàosu tell
- 考试 kǎo//shì take a test | examination
- 试 shì try
- 谁 shéi who(m)
- 读 dú read
- 读书 dú//shū study | read | learn ……
- 谢谢 xièxie thank
- 课 kè lesson | class
- 课本 kèběn textbook
- 课文 kèwén text
- 上课 shàng//kè attend class
- 下课 xià//kè class is over | dismiss the class | finish class
- 想 xiǎng think | ponder | miss ……
- 怎么 zěnme how | why
- 休息 xiūxi relax | have a rest | take a break
- 您 nín you
- 忘 wàng forget | overlook | neglect
- 忘记 wàngjì forget
- 快 kuài fast | quick | rapid ……
- 慢 màn slow
- 帮忙 bāng//máng help | do a favor | lend a hand
- 忙 máng be busy doing sth.
- 对不起 duìbuqǐ sorry | I'm sorry
- 起 qǐ rise | get up | stand up
- 起床 qǐ//chuáng get up | rise (from bed)
- 起来 qǐ//lái get up | rise to one's feet | stand up ……
- 一起 yīqǐ together
- 走 zǒu go | walk | leave ……
- 走路 zǒu//lù walk | go on foot
- 路 lù road | way | (measure word)
- 路口 lùkǒu crossing | intersection
- 路上 lùshang on the road | on the way
- 马路 mǎlù road | street
- 走路 zǒu//lù walk | go on foot
- 跟 gēn with
- 跑 pǎo run
- 这 zhè this | these
- 这边 zhèbiān this side | here
- 这里 zhè.lǐ here
- 这儿 zhèr here
- 这些 zhèxie these
- 过 guò (experienced action marker)
- 知道 zhīdào know | be aware of
- 还 1 hái yet | also | still ……
- 还是 háishì or
- 还有 hái yǒu in addition | also | still ……
- 还 2 huán go [come] back | give back | return ……
- 进 jìn enter
- 进来 jìn//lái come in | get in | enter
- 进去 jìn//qù go in | get in | enter
- 请进 qǐng jìn Please come in
- 北边 běibian north side
- 东边 dōngbian east side
- 后边 hòubian rear | back
- 里边 lǐbian inside | within | in
- 那边 nàbiān there | over there
- 南边 nánbian south side
- 旁边 pángbiān by the side of | next to | nearby
- 前边 qiánbian in front | ahead
- 上边 shàngbian top | above | over ……
- 外边 wàibian outside | out
- 西边 xībian west side
- 下边 xiàbian below | under | underneath ……
- 一边 yībiān at the same time
- 右边 yòubian right side | right
- 这边 zhèbiān this side | here
- 左边 zuǒbian left side | left
- 远 yuǎn far
- 送 sòng give as a present | deliver | see sb off ……
- 房间 fángjiān room
- 间 jiān (measure word for rooms)
- 时间 shíjiān time
- 洗手间 xǐshǒujiān washroom | toilet | bathroom
- 中间 zhōngjiān center | middle
- 请问 qǐngwèn excuse me | please | May I ask ...?
- 问 wèn ask | inquire | enquire
- 门 mén door | gate | (measure word)
- 门口 ménkǒu entrance | doorway | door ……
- 门票 ménpiào entrance ticket | admission ticket
- 国 guó country | nation | state
- 国家 guójiā country | state | nation
- 国外 guó wài overseas | abroad
- 外国 wàiguó foreign country
- 中国 Zhōngguó China
- 回 huí return | go back | answer ……
- 回答 huídá answer | reply | respond
- 回到 huídào return to | go back to | get back to
- 回家 huí jiā go [come] home | be home | return home
- 回来 huí//lái come back | get back | return
- 回去 huí//qù return | go back | be back
- 四 sì four
- 地图 dìtú map
- 图书馆 túshūguǎn library
- 行 xíng Ok! All right! No problem!
- 得到 dé//dào get | obtain | gain ……
- 记得 jìde remember | learn by heart
- 觉得 juéde feel | think
- 很 hěn very | quite
- 那 nà that
- 那边 nàbiān there | over there
- 那里 nà.lǐ that place | there
- 那儿 nàr there
- 那些 nàxiē those
- 都 dōu all | both | already ……
- 电影院 diànyǐngyuàn movie | cinema | movie theatre
- 学院 xuéyuàn college | academy | institute
- 医院 yīyuàn hospital
- 车 chē car | vehicle
- 车票 chēpiào train or bus ticket | ticket
- 车上 chē shang in the car | aboard
- 车站 chēzhàn station | stop
- 打车 dǎ//chē take a taxi
- 火车 huǒchē train
- 开车 kāi//chē drive | drive a car
- 汽车 qìchē automobile | car
- 上车 shàng//chē get on transport | boarding
- 下车 xià chē get off transport
- 马路 mǎlù road | street
- 马上 mǎshàng immediately | at once