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Level 3 【mù】
eye | item | section | list | catalogue | table of contents | order (taxonomy) | goal | name | title

目 can be used as:      

部首 Chinese Radical

The radical "目" is commonly known as 目字旁(mù zì páng). Chinese Characters with the radical 目 are usually related to eyes or activities of eyes.

32 HSK Characters with the radical 目.

目: Used as a Component in Characters

7 HSK Characters contain 目 as a component, but not as a radical.

词根 Word Root

The original meaning of 目 is eye. Its meaning was gradually extend to "item; section; list; catalog; table of contents; order (taxonomy); goal; name; title".
Both 目 and 眼 refer to eyes. 眼 can be used alone, such as: 把眼睁大 (open your eyes wide). 目 is used only in compound words.
目 can be used to form compound words. When used as a root, 目 can express:
  • eye; eye sight: 目光, 目睹, 盲目, 一目了然, 举世瞩目
  • item: 项目
  • catalog; section; list: 目录, 栏目, 节目
  • goal: 目的, 目的地, 目标
  • title; name: 题目
    1. jiémù 3 performance | show
    2. mùdì 4 purpose | aim
    3. mùdìdì 4 destination
    4. mù biāo 5 target | objective
    5. tímù 5 exercise problems | examination questions
    6. mù lù 5 catalog | contents
    7. mù qián 5 at present | at the moment
    8. xiàng mù 5 item | article
    9. yīmùliǎorán 6 clear at a glance | understand fully at a glance
    10. jǔ shì zhǔ mù 6 attract worldwide attention | world spotlight
    11. kē mù 6 subject (in a curriculum) | course
    12. lán mù 6 column
    13. máng mù 6 aimless | blindness
    14. mù dǔ 6 see with one's own eyes | witness
    15. mù guāng 6 sight | vision
    15 HSK words containing 目