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论语人物故事 >> Reading Comprehension:
这就是“是可忍,孰不可忍”的由来。 现在,这句成语表示事情到了让人不能忍耐的地步。
  1. 是可忍,孰不可忍: enough is enough; if this can be tolerated, what cannot?
  2. 《论语》: The Analects of Confucius
  3. 孔子: Confucius
  4. 天子: the emperor; a Son of Heaven
  5. 势力: influence; force; power
  6. 弱: weak
  7. 诸侯: dukes or princes under an emperor; the feudal princes
  8. 大权旁落: One's power has been transferred into the hands of others
  9. 大臣: minister (of a monarchy); secretary
  10. 专权: grab all the power
  11. 家族: clan; family
  12. 控制: control; dominate; regulate; govern
  13. 僭越: arrogate
  14. 大夫: a senior official in feudal China
  15. 祭祀: offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors
  16. 批评: criticize; criticism
  17. 忍耐: be tolerant of; endure