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Tang poems 唐诗 >> 采莲曲

Cǎi Lián Qǔ
王昌龄 (Wang Changling)   唐朝 Tang Dynasty (618-907)
Hé yè luó qún yī sè cái, fú róng xiàng liǎn liǎng biān kāi.
luàn rù chí zhōng kàn bú jiàn, wén gē shǐ jué yǒu rén lái.
    王昌龄:Wang Changling (698-757) was a great poet in Tang dynasty. He died in the An–Shi Rebellion (安史之乱 755-763).
  1. 采莲曲:Lotus Picking Song
  2. 荷叶:lotus leaf
  3. 罗裙:skirt of thin silk
  4. 一色:of the same color
  5. 裁:cut (paper, cloth...)
  6. 芙蓉:lotus
  7. 向:towards
  8. 脸:face
  9. 两边:both sides
  10. 开:bloom
  11. 乱入:mixing
  12. 池中:in the pond
  13. 看不见:cannot see
  14. 闻歌:hear the song
  15. 始觉:just know
  16. 有人来:someone comes
Girls in boats are picking lotus in the pond. Their silk skirts are as green as lotus leaves. Bright lotus flowers are blooming towards them.
I can hardly see the girls among flowers and leaves, until I heard them singing Lotus Picking song.