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绝句 - 杜甫

Tang poems 唐诗 >> 绝句
Jué Jù  绝句
杜甫 (Du Fu)   唐朝 Tang Dynasty
Liǎng gè huánglí míng cuì liǔ, Yī háng báilù shàng qīngtiān.
两个黄鹂鸣翠柳, 一行白鹭上青天。
Chuāng hán xī lǐng qiānqiū xuě, Mén bó dōngwú wànlǐ chuán.
窗含西岭千秋雪, 门泊东吴万里船。
    杜甫:Du Fu (712 – 770), Du Fu was a Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty. Along with Li Bai, he is frequently called the greatest of the Chinese poets.
  1. 两个:two
  2. 黄鹂:yellow oriole bird
  3. 鸣:birds chirp
  4. 翠柳:green willow
  5. 一行:one line, one row
  6. 白鹭:white egret bird
  7. 上青天:fly to the blue sky
  8. 窗:window
  9. 含:contain
  10. 西岭:west mountains
  11. 千秋:a thousand year
  12. 雪:snow
  13. 门:door
  14. 泊:anchor alongside the shore
  15. 万里:thousands of miles
  16. 船:boats
Two yellow oriole birds are chirping in a green willow-tree;
The white egrets are flying in a row into the blue sky.
Looking out from the window, you can see the snow on the top of mountains;
The boats anchored outside the door are about to start a ten thousand miles journey for Dong Wu.