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春晓 - 孟浩然

Tang poems 唐诗 >> 春晓

Chūn Xiǎo  春晓
孟浩然 (Meng Haoran)   唐朝 Tang Dynasty
Chūnmián bù jué xiǎo, chùchù wén tí niǎo.
yè lái fēngyǔ shēng, huā luò zhī duōshǎo.
    孟浩然:Meng Haoran (689/691–740) was a major Tang dynasty poet. His poems are mostly descriptions of his countryside life, travel and friendship.
  1. 春晓:Spring Dawn
  2. 春:spring
  3. 眠:sleep
  4. 不觉:unaware
  5. 晓:dawn; daybreak
  6. 处处:everywhere
  7. 闻:hear
  8. 啼鸟:bird cry
  9. 夜:night
  10. 风雨声:the sound of wind and rain
  11. 花落:flowers were blown off
  12. 知多少:who knows how many
I slumbered this spring morning, and missed the dawn;
I heard the cry of birds from everywhere.
Last night came the sound of wind and rain;
Who knows how many flowers were blown off?