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8 Chinese Characters containing 巴 【HSK 1-6】

拆字解字 - Breaking Apart Hanzi

There are 8 HSK characters that contain . 吧,疤,把,爸 and 爬 are phono-semantic compounds(形声字). In these 5 characters, 巴 represents pronunciations, and radicals indicate meanings.
The other two characters 色 and 肥 are exceptions. 巴 does not represent pronunciation or meaning.

to hope | (suffix for certain nouns) | to wish   
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1. to hope | (suffix for certain nouns) | to wish   Radical:
巴 itself is a character, it means "hope". In some words, 巴 is only used as a suffix, which has no actual meaning, such as 尾巴.
wěibā 尾巴 tail
Nà tiáo gǒu xīngfèn de yáozhe wěibā.
The dog wagged its tail excitedly.

2. bā/ba bar | ...OK? | ...right? | (Onomatopoeia)crackling | (modal particle indicating polite suggestion)   Radical:
吧 can be used at the end of a sentence to express different tones of voice, like "...OK/right?". 吧 is also a transliteration of English word "bar", such as 酒吧.
jiǔbā 酒吧 bar | pub
Wǒmen qù le dàngdì de jiǔbā.
We went to the local bar.

3. scar   Radical:
疤: Chinese characters with the radical 疒(nè) are often related to disease, illness or sickness.
Tā de gēbó shàng yǒu liǎng dào bā.
There are two scars on his arm.

4. bǎ/bà to hold | to grasp | to contain | (a measure word) | (marker for direct-object) | to take hold of, handle   Radical:
The left part of 把 is the radical "hand". 把 can be used in the structure (把+object+transitive verb).
bǎwò 把握 seize | grasp | hold
Nǐ yīnggāi bǎwò zhè cì jīhuì.
You should seize this opportunity.

5. father | dad | pa | papa   Radical:
The upper part of 爸 is the radical 父. When used as a radical, 父(fù) can express people or things related to adult males.
bàba 爸爸 father | dad | daddy
Háizi shì bàba, māma de xīwàng.
孩子是爸爸, 妈妈的希望。
Child is the hope of mom and dad.

6. crawl | climb   Radical:
爬: The left part of 爬 is the radical 爪. It is used in characters to represent "hand".
páshān 爬山 climb mountains
Wǒ hé péngyǒu qù páshānle.
My friend and I went climbing.

7. sè/shǎi color | look | appearance, color | dice   Radical:
色 is both a character and a radical. 巴 does not represent pronunciation or meaning in 色.
yánsè 颜色 color
Měi yī zhǒng huā dū yǒu zìjǐ de yánsè.
Each and every one of the flowers has its own color.

8. féi loose-fitting | fat | fertile   Radical:
肥: The left part of 肥 is the radical 月. Most of characters having the radical 月 are related to body part. The right side was miswritten as 巴 in the evolution of this character.
jiǎnféi 减肥 lose weight
Tā wèile jiǎnféi měitiān dū pǎobù.
She runs every day to lose weight.
Nǐ yòu bù pàng, jiǎn shénme féi!
You are not fat, why should you lose weight!