词根 Root | 词缀 Affix (Videos) >>大
dà/dài 大 big | wide | large | great | huge | major | elder | senior | generous | general | very, doctor
The oracle bone script of this character depicts a man standing with arms and legs stretched out, meaning big. 大 is the opposite of 小-small. It has two pronunciations, dà and dài. 大 means big in amount, size, volume, power, scale, or degree etc. There are 28 compound words containing 大 in HSK level 1-6 vocabulary.
大: 大 | 大夫 | 大臣 | 大家 | 大象 | 大学 | 大厦 | 大致 | 大体 | 大约 | 大概 | 大肆 | 大意 | 大方 | 大型 | 扩大 | 广大 | 巨大 | 伟大 | 重大 | 庞大 | 放大 | 大使馆 | 大不了 | 大伙儿 | 粗心大意 | 博大精深 | 恍然大悟 |
1. dà 大 big | large | huge | great 【HSK-1】
- Tā bǎ yījiā xiǎo shāngdiàn biàn chéngle dà gōngsī.他把一家小商店变成了大公司。He has turned a small shop into a big company. 13818
2. dàifu 大夫 doctor | physician | surgeon 【HSK-4】
【Please note: 1."dàifu"-大夫 means "doctor-医生". 2."dàfū"-大夫 is an official title in ancient China. 】
- Dàifu zǐxì de jiǎnchále tā de shāngkǒu.大夫仔细地检查了他的伤口。The doctor examined his wound carefully. 9755
3. dàchén 大臣 secretary | minister (of a monarchy) 【HSK-6】
【大(senior) + 臣(minister)】
- Yīngguó wàijiāo dàchén shì zhǔguǎn wàishì de bùzhǎng.英国外交大臣是主管外事的部长。The British Foreign Secretary is the minister in charge of foreign affairs. 13804
4. dàjiā 大家 everyone |everybody 【HSK-2】
【大(big in amount) + 家(a group of people)】
- Zhè huì ràng dàjiā dōu kāixīn!这会让大家都开心!This will make everyone happy! 12281
5. dàxiàng 大象 elephant 【HSK-5】
【大(big) + 象(elephant)】
- Dàxiàng tǎoyàn mǎyǐ pá shàng tā de bízi.大象讨厌蚂蚁爬上它的鼻子。The elephant hates to have ants crawling up its nose. 13798
6. dàxué 大学 university | college 【HSK-1】
【大(big, great) + 学(school)】
- Tā kǎo shàngle dàxué.他考上了大学。He was admitted to the university. 12358
7. dàshà 大厦 large building | mansion | edifice 【HSK-5】
【大(large) + 厦(building)】
- Shāngyè dàshà jiāng yú míngnián jiànchéng.商业大厦将于明年建成。The commercial building will be completed next year. 13797
8. dàzhì 大致 roughly | on the whole 【HSK-6】
【大(general) + 致(manner; style)】
- Zhè piān wénzhāng dàzhì fēn wéi 4 gè bùfèn.这篇文章大致分为4个部分。This article is roughly divided into 4 parts. 13807
9. dàtǐ 大体 in general | on the whole 【HSK-6】
【大(general) + 体(style)】
- Wǒ dàtǐ shàng tóngyì nǐ de kànfǎ.我大体上同意你的看法。I generally agree with you. 13806
10. dàyuē 大约 about | approximately | more or less 【HSK-4】
【大(general) + 约(approximately)】
- Tā yòngle dàyuē 2 fēnzhōng jiù jiěkāile zhè dào tí.他用了大约2分钟就解开了这道题。It took him about 2 minutes to solve the question. 11406
11. dàgài 大概 probably | almost 【HSK-4】
【大(general) + 概(almost)】
- Wǒ dàgài zhōumò dàojiā.我大概周末到家。I'll probably be home by the weekend. 10733
- Dàgài yǒu 500 rén chūxíle huìyì.大概有500人出席了会议。There were perhaps 500 people at the meeting. 13821
12. dàsì 大肆 recklessly | without restraint | wantonly | violently 【HSK-6】
【大(very) + 肆(extremely)】
- Tā dàsì gòumǎi de gǔpiào diēle.他大肆购买的股票跌了。The stock that he bought recklessly has fallen. 13813
13. dàyì 大意 careless | negligent | general meaning | main points 【HSK-6】
【大(big) + 意(mind)】
- Wǒ bǎ tā jiǎnghuà de dàyì jì xiàláile.我把他讲话的大意记下来了。I wrote down the general meaning of his speech. 13466
- Tā zài chuānzhuó fāngmiàn fēicháng dàyì.他在穿着方面非常大意。He was very careless in the way he dressed. 13819
14. dàfāng 大方 generous 【HSK-5】
【大(generous) + 方(fair-minded)】
- Lǎobǎn zài gěi jiābānfèi shí hěn dàfāng.老板在给加班费时很大方。The boss is generous about overtime payment. 13796
15. dàxíng 大型 large-scale | large 【HSK-5】
【大(large) + 型(scale)】
- Zhège dàxíng zǔzhī zài yàzhōu yǒu fèn zhī jīgòu.这个大型组织在亚洲有分支机构。This large organization has branches in Asia. 13799
16. kuòdà 扩大 expand |enlarge |spread |amplify 【HSK-4】
【扩(expand) + 大(large)】
- Xiàyībù, wǒmen yīnggāi kuòdà shìchǎng.下一步,我们应该扩大市场。Next, we should expand the market. 12727
17. guǎngdà 广大 vast | wide | extensive 【HSK-5】
【广(wide) + 大(large)】
- Zhè zhǒng zhíwù fēnbù zài xībù de guǎngdà dìqū.这种植物分布在西部的广大地区。This plant is distributed in a vast area of the west. 13800
18. jùdà 巨大 tremendous | huge | enormous | gigantic | giant | immense 【HSK-5】
【巨(huge) + 大(large)】
- Kēxué yǐjīng qǔdéle jùdà de jìnbù.科学已经取得了巨大的进步。Science has made tremendous progress. 13801
19. wěidà 伟大 great | mighty 【HSK-5】
【伟(mighty) + 大(great)】
- Tā shì nàgè shídài zuì wěidà de zuòjiā.他是那个时代最伟大的作家。He was the greatest writer of that era. 13802
20. zhòngdà 重大 major | great | weighty | significant | important | grave | serious 【HSK-5】
【重(important) + 大(major)】
- Zhòngdà wèntí yóu jīnglǐ qīnzì chǔlǐ.重大问题由经理亲自处理。Major issues are handled by the manager himself. 13803
21. pángdà 庞大 huge | enormous | gigantic | tremendous | immense | colossal 【HSK-6】
【庞(huge) + 大(large)】
- Guójiā biàn chéngle yī jià pángdà de jīqì.国家变成了一架庞大的机器。The country has become a huge machine. 13810
22. fàngdà 放大 enlarge | amplify | magnify | increase | blow up | strengthen 【HSK-6】
【放(expand) + 大(large)】
- Nǐ néng bāng wǒ bǎ zhè zhāng zhàopiàn fàngdà ma?你能帮我把这张照片放大吗?Can you help me enlarge this photo? 13808
23. dàshǐguǎn 大使馆 embassy 【HSK-4】
【大使(ambassador) + 馆(place, embassy)】
- Wǒ xūyào dào dàshǐguǎn qù shēnqǐng qiānzhèng.我需要到大使馆去申请签证。I need to go to the embassy to apply for a visa. 9103
24. dàbuliǎo 大不了 big deal 【HSK-6】
【大(at most; to a great degree) + 不了(can't);(you do not think that something is important)】
- Zhè zhēn méishénme dàbuliǎo de.这真没什么大不了的。It is really no big deal. 13812
25. dàhuǒr 大伙儿 everyone | we all | you all | everybody 【HSK-6】
【大(big in amount) + 伙(mate) + 儿(suffix)】
- Kuài jìnlái ba, dàhuǒr dōu zài děng nǐ ne.快进来吧,大伙儿都在等你呢。Come in now, everyone is waiting for you. 13805
26. cūxīn dàyì 粗心大意 careless | be negligent | of a rough heart and big mind 【HSK-6】
【粗(rough) + 心(heart) + 大(big) + 意(mind)】
- Wǒ de lǎobǎn zhǐzé wǒ tài cūxīn dàyì.我的老板指责我太粗心大意。My boss accused me of being too careless. 13443
27. bódàjīngshēn 博大精深 broad and profound 【HSK-6】
【博(plentiful) + 大(great) + 精(precise) + 深(deep)】
- Zhéxué shì yī mén bódàjīngshēn de xuéwèn.哲学是一门博大精深的学问。Philosophy is a broad and profound study. 13811
28. huǎngrándàwù 恍然大悟 suddenly realized 【HSK-6】
【恍然(suddenly) + 大(very; to a great degree) + 悟(realized)】
- Jīng tā yī jiěshì, wǒ cái huǎngrándàwù.经他一解释,我才恍然大悟。After he explained, I suddenly realized it. 13809