词根 Root | 词缀 Affix (Videos) >>开
The original form of 开 depicts two hands opening the door bolt. 开 was simplified by removing the "door (门)" from its glyph.
The meaning of 开 was gradually extended to "operate; hold; start; boiling; bloom; expense; remove; separate". 开 is also used as a word root to form other compound words.
In HSK 1-6 vocabulary, 25 words contain the character 开.
kāi 开 open | operate | hold | start | boiling | bloom | expense | remove | separate
开: 开 | 开始 | 开心 | 开水 | 开朗 | 开明 | 开阔 | 开发 | 开辟 | 开拓 | 开展 | 开采 | 开放 | 开支 | 开除 | 开玩笑 | 开幕式 | 离开 | 错开 | 公开 | 展开 | 召开 | 敞开 | 盛开 | 春暖花开 |
1. kāi 开 open | drive | setup | found | hold 【HSK-1】
- Tā kāiguò yījiā xiǎo fànguǎn.他开过一家小饭馆。He used to run a small restaurant. 1066
- Nǐ wèishénme bù kāimén?你为什么不开门?Why don't you open the door? 1638
- Tā kāichē lái jiē wǒ.他开车来接我。He drove to pick me up. 12185
- Zuótiān wǒmen kāihuì tǎolùn jìhuà.昨天我们开会讨论计划。Yesterday we held a meeting to discuss our plan. 13623
2. kāishǐ 开始 start | begin 【HSK-2】
【开(start) + 始(begin)】
- Wǒ míngtiān zǎochén kāishǐ gōngzuò.我明天早晨开始工作。I will start work tomorrow morning. 4232
3. kāixīn 开心 joyful | happy | delighted 【HSK-4】
【开(open) + 心(mood)】
- Tā qù gòuwù hǎo ràng zìjǐ kāixīn qǐlái.她去购物好让自己开心起来。She went shopping to cheer herself up. 10950
4. kāishuǐ 开水 boiling water 【HSK-5】
【开(boiling) + 水(water)】
- Tā yòng kāishuǐ pào chá.她用开水泡茶。She made tea with boiling water. 13607
5. kāilǎng 开朗 outgoing | open and clear | clear up 【HSK-6】
【开(open) + 朗(bright)】
- Tā xìnggé kāilǎng.她性格开朗。She has an outgoing personality. 13614
6. kāimíng 开明 enlightened | liberal | open-minded 【HSK-6】
【开(open) + 明(light; bright)】
- Tā duì jiàoyù de tàidù hěn kāimíng.他对教育的态度很开明。He is open-minded about education. 13615
7. kāikuò 开阔 broaden | open | wide 【HSK-6】
【开(open) + 阔(wide; broad)】
- Zhīshì néng kāikuò nǐ de shìyě.知识能开阔你的视野。Knowledge can broaden your horizons. 13613
8. kāifā 开发 exploit | open up (for development) | develop | development 【HSK-5】
【开(open up; initiate) + 发(launch)】
- Tāmen xiàng zhèngfǔ tíchūle yīgè kāifā jìhuà.他们向政府提出了一个开发计划。They proposed a development program to the government. 13011
9. kāipì 开辟 break | open up | hew out 【HSK-6】
【开(open) + 辟(break)】
- Zhège jìshù kāipìle xīntiāndì.这个技术开辟了新天地。This technique breaks new ground. 13616
10. kāituò 开拓 exploit | open up 【HSK-6】
【开(open up) + 拓(develop)】
- Wǒmen xūyào kāituò hǎiwài shìchǎng.我们需要开拓海外市场。We need to open up overseas markets. 13617
11. kāizhǎn 开展 carry out | operate | launch 【HSK-6】
【开(start, initiate) + 展(expand)】
- Zhège yánjiū yǐjīng kāizhǎn qǐlái.这个研究已经开展起来。This research has been carried out. 13618
- Wǒmen gōngsī zài hěnduō guójiā kāizhǎn yèwù.我们公司在很多国家开展业务。Our company operates business in many countries. 13624
- Wǒmen jiāng kāizhǎn huódòng yǐ zēngjiā yònghù.我们将开展活动以增加用户。We will launch campaigns to increase users. 13625
- Dàjiā dōu zàntóng kāizhǎn zhèxiē fāng'àn.大家都赞同开展这些方案。Everyone agrees to go ahead with these plans. 13626
12. kāicǎi 开采 extract | mine | exploit | recover 【HSK-6】
【开(open up) + 采(mine; extract)】
- Zhè jiā gōngsī shǐyòng xīn jìshù kāicǎi tiānránqì.这家公司使用新技术开采天然气。The company uses new technology to extract natural gas. 13611
13. kāifàng 开放 open | be open to the public 【HSK-5】
【开(open) + 放(release)】
- Zhè shì yīgè kāifàng de shìchǎng.这是一个开放的市场。This is an open market. 13605
14. kāizhī 开支 spending | expenditure | expenses 【HSK-6】
【开(expense) + 支(pay)】
- Wǒ zhège yuè bìxū jiǎnshǎo kāizhī.我这个月必须减少开支。I must reduce my expenses this month. 13619
15. kāichú 开除 expel | discharge | dismiss 【HSK-6】
【开(remove) + 除(get rid of)】
- Tā bèi xuéxiào kāichúle.他被学校开除了。He was expelled from school. 13612
16. kāiwánxiào 开玩笑 joke | make fun of | play a joke | tease 【HSK-4】
【开(initiate) + 玩笑(joke)】
- Wǒ méi kāiwánxiào, wǒ shì rènzhēn de.我没开玩笑,我是认真的。I'm not joking, I'm serious. 13631
17. kāimùshì 开幕式 opening ceremony 【HSK-5】
【开(open) + 幕(curtain) + 式(ceremony)】
- Kāimùshì jiāng zài tǐyùguǎn jǔxíng.开幕式将在体育馆举行。The opening ceremony will be held in the stadium. 13606
18. líkāi 离开 leave | to be away from | part from 【HSK-3】
【离(leave) + 开(separate)】
- Wǒ míngtiān zǎoshang wǔ diǎn zhōng líkāi.我明天早上五点钟离开。I'll be leaving at five o'clock tomorrow. 6771
19. cuòkāi 错开 stagger 【HSK-4】
【错(alternate; stagger) + 开(separate)】
- Wǒmen zuìhǎo cuòkāi shàngwǎng de shíjiān.我们最好错开上网的时间。We'd better stagger the time of surfing the Internet. 13621
20. gōngkāi 公开 publicly | make public | open to the public | open | overt | public 【HSK-5】
【公(public) + 开(open)】
- Tā gōngkāi pīpíngle gōngsī de jìhuà.他公开批评了公司的计划。He has publicly criticized the company's plans. 13604
21. zhǎnkāi 展开 unfold | unroll 【HSK-5】
【展(spread out) + 开(open up)】
- Zuòzhě yībùbù de zhǎnkāile zhège gùshì.作者一步步地展开了这个故事。The author gradually unfolds the story. 13608
- Tǎolùn wéiràozhe jiǎnshǎo làngfèi ér zhǎnkāi.讨论围绕着减少浪费而展开。The discussion centered around reducing waste. 13627
- Tā zhǎnkāile nà kuài dìtǎn.他展开了那块地毯。He unrolled the carpet. 13628
- Jǐngfāng yǐjīng zhǎnkāi diàochá.警方已经展开调查。Police have opened an investigation. 13629
22. zhàokāi 召开 hold | convene | convoke 【HSK-5】
【召(convene) + 开(hold)】
- Xià cì huìyì jiāng zài Běijīng zhàokāi.下次会议将在北京召开。The next meeting will be held in Beijing. 13609
23. chǎngkāi 敞开 open wide | unlimited | unrestricted 【HSK-6】
【敞(spacious) + 开(open)】
- Dāng yī shàn mén guānshàng shí, lìng yī shàn mén chǎngkāile.当一扇门关上时,另一扇门敞开了。When one door closes, another opens. 13610
24. shèngkāi 盛开 be in full bloom 【HSK-6】
【盛(greatly) + 开(bloom)】
- Wǒ zài lù páng kàn dào xǔduō shèngkāi de xiānhuā.我在路旁看到许多盛开的鲜花。I saw many blooming flowers by the road. 13620
25. chūnnuǎn huākāi 春暖花开 spring blossoms | flowers bloom in warm spring 【HSK-4】
【春(spring) + 暖(warm) + 花(flowers) + 开(bloom) 】
- Xiànzài shì chūnnuǎn huākāi de shíhòu.现在是春暖花开的时候。It is time for spring blossoms. 13622