词根 Root | 词缀 Affix (Videos) >>分 fēn/fèn
fēn/fèn 分 divide | separate | distinguish | distribute | assign | minute | (measure word) | (unit of length = 0.33 centimeter); part | component | what one deserves
The character 分 consists of two parts: 八-"eight" and 刀-"knife", which means "to cut into two halves with knife(一分为二)". 分 has two pronunciations: fēn and fèn. When pronounced as "fēn", it means: divide, separate, distinguish, distribute, assign, minute, (measure word), (unit of length = 0.33 centimeter); When pronounced as "fèn", it means: part; component; what one deserves. In HSK 1-6 vocabulary, 27 words contain the character 分.
分: 分 | 分钟 | 分寸 | 分别 | 分明 | 分配 | 分红 | 分裂 | 划分 | 分手 | 分析 | 分解 | 分泌 | 分歧 | 分散 | 分布 | 分辨 | 区分 | 十分 | 万分 | 百分之 | 分量 | 成分 | 充分 | 部分 | 过分 | 处分 |
1. fēn 分 minute | grade | mark | score | cent 【HSK-3】
- Xiànzài shì qī diǎn chà wǔ fēn.现在是七点差五分。It is five minutes to seven. 13580
- Tā zài pīnxiě cèyàn zhōng déle 98 fēn.她在拼写测验中得了98分。She scored 98 in the spelling test. 13585
- Nǐ hànyǔ kǎoshì kǎole duōshǎo fēn?你汉语考试考了多少分?What mark did you get in the Chinese exam? 13586
- Tā zài fǎyǔ kǎoshì zhōng déle zuìgāo fēn.她在法语考试中得了最高分。She got the best grade on a French test. 13587
- Tā méiyǒu zhuàn dào yī fēn qián.他没有赚到一分钱。He did not earn a cent. 13588
2. fēnzhōng 分钟 minute 【HSK-1】
【分(minute) + 钟(clock); to express period of time.】
- Zài gěi wǒ yī fēnzhōng, wǒ jiù yào zuò wánle.再给我一分钟,我就要做完了。Give me one more minute , I'm almost done. 13581
- Qǐng shāo děng jǐ fēnzhōng.请稍等几分钟。Please wait a few minutes. 13589
- 7 Diǎn 10 fēn chūfā, wǒ tíqián 20 fēnzhōng dàole.7点10分出发,我提前20分钟到了。Departing at 7:10, I arrived 20 minutes earlier. 13590
3. fēncùn 分寸 sense of propriety | proper limits for speech or action 【HSK-6】
【分(unit of length=1/3 centimeter) + 寸(unit of length=1/3 decimeter)】
- Tā zuòshì hěn yǒu fēncùn.他做事很有分寸。He acts with propriety. 13582
4. fēnbié 分别 separately | part | leave each other | 【HSK-5】
【分(separate) + 别(depart)】
- Wǒmen jiāng fēnbié tǎolùn měi yī zhǒng qíngkuàng.我们将分别讨论每一种情况。We will discuss each situation separately. 13557
5. fēnmíng 分明 clear | obvious | clearly demarcated | sharply contoured | distinct 【HSK-6】
【分(separately) + 明(clear)】
- Shuāngfāng zhījiān de jièxiàn bìngbù fēnmíng.双方之间的界限并不分明。The boundary between the two sides is not clear. 13569
6. fēnpèi 分配 assign | allot | distribution | allocation | distribute 【HSK-5】
【分(assign) + 配(allot)】
- Tā gěi wǒ fēnpèile yīgè rènwù.他给我分配了一个任务。He assigned me a task. 13559
7. fēnhóng 分红 share out bonus | receive dividends | draw extra dividends [profits] 【HSK-6】
【分(distribute) + 红(dividends)】
- Wǒ xīwàng gōngsī niánzhōng fēnhóng.我希望公司年终分红。I hope the company will pay dividends at the end of the year. 13565
8. fēnliè 分裂 division | split | divide | break up | tear 【HSK-6】
【分(divide) + 裂(split)】
- Zhè huì zàochéng jiātíng fēnliè.这会造成家庭分裂。This can cause family division. 13567
9. huàfēn 划分 divide | partition | repartition 【HSK-6】
【划(differentiate) + 分(divide)】
- Chìdào bǎ dìqiú huàfēn wéi liǎng gè bànqiú赤道把地球划分为两个半球。The equator divides the earth into two hemispheres. 13573
10. fēnshǒu 分手 break up | part company | say good-bye | separate 【HSK-5】
【分(separate) + 手(hand)】
- Fēnshǒu hòu, wǒmen zài méi liánxìguò.分手后,我们再没联系过。After breaking up, we never contacted each other again. 13560
11. fēnxī 分析 analyze | analysis 【HSK-5】
【分(divide) + 析(analyze)】
- Wǒmen yīnggāi fēnxī zhè zhǒng biànhuà.我们应该分析这种变化。We should analyze this change. 13561
12. fēnjiě 分解 decompose | break down | break up | decomposition 【HSK-6】
【分(divide) + 解(dissect)】
- Shuǐ kě fēnjiě wéi qīng hé yǎng.水可分解为氢和氧。Water can be decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen. 13566
13. fēnmì 分泌 secrete | secretion | excretion 【HSK-6】
【分(separate) + 泌(secrete)】
- Zhè zhíwù néng fēnmì chū yī zhǒng huàxué wùzhí.这植物能分泌出一种化学物质。The plant can secrete a chemical substance. 13568
14. fēnqí 分歧 difference | divergence 【HSK-6】
【分(divided) + 歧(forked road)】
- Wǒ yuànyì jiějué wǒmen zhījiān de fēnqí.我愿意解决我们之间的分歧。I'd like to resolve our differences. 7844
15. fēnsàn 分散 disperse | scatter | decentralize 【HSK-6】
【分(separate) + 散(scatter)】
- Xiàndài jìshù yǐjīng shǐ fēnsàn guǎnlǐ biànde jiǎndān.现代技术已经使分散管理变得简单。Modern technology has made it easy for us to decentralize. 13583
16. fēnbù 分布 distribute | spread | scatter | distribution 【HSK-5】
【分(distribute) + 布(spread)】
- Yǒuxiē zhíwù fēnbù de hěn guǎng.有些植物分布得很广。Some plants are widely distributed. 13558
17. fēnbiàn 分辨 distinguish | differentiate 【HSK-6】
【分(distinguish) + 辨(discern)】
- Nǐ néng fēnbiàn chū nǎge shì nǎge ma?你能分辨出哪个是哪个吗?Can you distinguish which is which? 13564
18. qūfēn 区分 differentiate | discriminate | distinguish | make a distinction between 【HSK-6】
【区(classify; subdivide) + 分(distinguish)】
- Zhíwù xué jiā néng qūfēn gè zhǒng bùtóng de zhíwù.植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants. 13574
19. shífēn 十分 very | fully | extremely | utterly | completely 【HSK-4】
【十(ten) + 分(one tenth)】
- Tāmen shífēn guānxīn zhège wèntí.他们十分关心这个问题。They are very concerned about this issue. 12259
20. wànfēn 万分 extremely | very much 【HSK-6】
【万(ten thousand) + 分(one tenth)】
- Wànfēn bàoqiàn, wǒ bǎozhèng zhè zhǒng shì bù huì zài fāshēng.万分抱歉,我保证这种事不会再发生。I'm extremely sorry, I promise that it won't happen again. 13575
21. bǎifēnzhī 百分之 percent 【HSK-4】
【百(hundred) + 分(percent) + 之(of)】
- Wǒ bǎifēnzhībǎi tóngyì.我百分之百同意。I agree one hundred percent. 11912
22. fènliàng 分量 weight | component product | component 【HSK-6】
【分(component) + 量(amount)】
- Lìng rén tǎoyàn de huàyǔ yǒu fènliàng.令人讨厌的话语有分量。Disgusting words carry weight. 13572
23. chéngfèn 成分 ingredient | element | constituent 【HSK-5】
【成(form) + 分(part)】
- Nǐ néng gàosù wǒ zhè zhǒng yào de chéngfèn ma?你能告诉我这种药的成分吗?Can you tell me the ingredients of this medicine? 13227
24. chōngfèn 充分 adequate | full | ample | abundant | sufficient 【HSK-5】
【充(full) + 分(component)】
- Wǒ méiyǒu chōngfèn de zhǔnbèi.我没有充分的准备。I have no adequate preparation. 13556
25. bùfèn 部分 part 【HSK-4】
【部(part) + 分(component)】
- Zhè běn xiǎoshuō yóu sì bùfèn zǔchéng.这本小说由四部分组成。This novel consists of four parts. 9171
26. guòfèn 过分 excessive | enjoy too excessively | undue | bellyful | go too far | overdo 【HSK-5】
【过(exceed) + 分(what is within one's duty or rights)】
- Tā cóngwèi tíchū guòfèn de yāoqiú.他从未提出过分的要求。He never made excessive demands. 13562
27. chǔfèn 处分 punish | punishment 【HSK-6】
【处(punish) + 分(what one deserves)】
- Rúguǒ wǒ bù fúcóng, wǒ huì shòu chǔfèn.如果我不服从,我会受处分。If I disobey, I will be punished. 13563