词根 Root | 词缀 Affix (Videos) >>实
shí 实 rich | fruit | reality | fact | real | true | honest | solid | practise | realize
实: 充实 | 果实 | 事实 | 现实 | 实力 | 实质 | 实话 | 真实 | 实惠 | 实在 | 老实 | 诚实 | 忠实 | 实际 | 实际上 | 其实 | 确实 | 结实 | 坚实 | 扎实 | 朴实 | 踏实 | 证实 | 实施 | 实行 | 实现 | 实验 | 切实 | 落实 | 实用 | 实践 | 实习 | 名副其实 | 实事求是 |
1. chōngshí 充实 enrich | substantial 【HSK-6】
【充(fill) + 实(enrich)】
- Dúshū kěyǐ chōngshí wǒmen de sīxiǎng.读书可以充实我们的思想。Reading can enrich our mind. 13375
2. guǒshí 果实 fruit 【HSK-5】
【果(fruit, result) + 实(fruit, seed)】
- Jiàoyù de gēn shì kǔ de, dàn guǒshí shì tián de.教育的根是苦的,但果实是甜的。The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet. 13363
3. shìshí 事实 fact 【HSK-5】
【事(matter) + 实(fact)】
- Cóng zhèxiē shìshí zhōng nǐ dé chūle shénme jiélùn?从这些事实中你得出了什么结论?What did you conclude from the facts? 13372
4. xiànshí 现实 reality | actuality 【HSK-5】
【现(now, present) + 实(reality)】
- Wǒmen suǒyào zuò de jiùshì miànduì xiànshí.我们所要做的就是面对现实。All we have to do is to face the reality. 13373
5. shílì 实力 actual strength | strength 【HSK-6】
【实(real) + 力(strength)】
- Tā yào guò yīduàn shíjiān cáinéng huīfù shílì.他要过一段时间才能恢复实力。It will take him a while to restore his strength. 13384
6. shízhì 实质 essence | substance | quiddity 【HSK-6】
【实(real) + 质(nature)】
- Zhè liǎngyàng dōngxī biǎomiàn xiàng tóng, dàn shí zhí bùtóng.这两样东西表面相同,但实质不同。The two things are the same in outward form but different in essence. 13387
7. shíhuà 实话 truth 【HSK-5】
【实(true) + 话(word, talk)】
- Tā jiǎng de quán shì shíhuà.他讲的全是实话。What he said was all truth. 13366
8. zhēnshí 真实 true | real | authentic 【HSK-5】
【真(real) + 实(true)】
- Tāmen dōu xiāngxìn zhè piān bàodào shì zhēnshí de.他们都相信这篇报道是真实的。They all believe the report to be true. 13374
9. shíhuì 实惠 material benefit | tangible benefits 【HSK-6】
【实(real) + 惠(benefit)】
- Nóngmín cóng gǎigé zhōng dédàole shíhuì.农民从改革中得到了实惠。Farmers have benefited from the reforms. 13383
10. shízài 实在 dependable | honest |true | real 【HSK-4】
【实(honest) + 在(depend on)】
- Wǒ xūyào yǒu yīgè shízài de rén lái zhàogù háizimen.我需要有一个实在的人来照顾孩子们。I need someone dependable to take care of the children. 10657
11. lǎoshi 老实 frank | honest 【HSK-5】
【老(aged, always) + 实(honest)】
- Lǎoshi shuō, wǒ bù xǐhuān tā.老实说, 我不喜欢他。To be frank, I don't like him. 13365
12. chéngshí 诚实 honesty | honest 【HSK-4】
【诚(honest) + 实(honest)】
- Chéngshí shì yī zhǒng měidé.诚实是一种美德。Honesty is a virtue. 13395
13. zhōngshí 忠实 loyal | true | faithful | reliable | truthful 【HSK-6】
【忠(loyal) + 实(honest)】
- Tā shì nǐ zuì zhōngshí de péngyǒu zhī yī.他是你最忠实的朋友之一。He is one of your most loyal friends. 13391
14. shíjì 实际 actual |real 【HSK-4】
【实(real) + 际(boundary, inside)】
- Shíjì shōurù què réngrán xiàjiàngle 1.3%.实际收入却仍然下降了1.3%。Actual income still fell by 1.3 percent. 8639
15. shíjìshang 实际上 actually |as a matter of fact |in fact 【HSK-4】
【实际(actual, real) + 上(at, in)】
- Shíjìshang, tā zhǐshì zài bāngdàománg.实际上,他只是在帮倒忙。In fact, he just gets in the way. 12342
16. qíshí 其实 actually | in fact | as a matter of fact 【HSK-3】
【其(his, her, its) + 实(fact)】
- Zhè shì kàn qǐlái hěn jiǎndān, qíshí hěn kùnnán.这事看起来很简单,其实很困难。This seems simple, but it is actually very difficult. 13392
17. quèshí 确实 indeed |really 【HSK-4】
【确(true, reliable) + 实(true, real)】
- Zhè quèshí shìgè hěn nán zuò de juédìng.这确实是个很难做的决定。It's indeed a difficult decision. 10772
18. jiēshi 结实 sturdy | solid | durable | strong | tough 【HSK-5】
【结(solid, stout) + 实(firm, solid)】
- Zuòwéi yī zhǒng jiànzhú cáiliào, mùcai bùgòu jiēshi.作为一种建筑材料,木材不够结实。As a building material, the wood is not sturdy enough. 13406
19. jiānshí 坚实 solid | substantial | strong | staunch 【HSK-6】
【坚(hard) + 实(solid, firm)】
- Shībài néng wéi jiānglái de chénggōng dǎxià jiānshí de jīchǔ.失败能为将来的成功打下坚实的基础。Failure can lay a solid foundation for future success. 13394
20. zhāshi 扎实 solid | sturdy | strong 【HSK-6】
【扎(bundle) + 实(firm, solid)】
- Tā jīntiān de chénggōng guīgōng yú tā zhāshi de jīchǔ.他今天的成功归功于他扎实的基础。His success today is due to his solid foundation. 13389
21. pǔshí 朴实 simple | plain 【HSK-6】
【朴(simple, plain) + 实(honest)】
- Tā wéirén pǔshí, méiyǒu shé me gèrén yěxīn.他为人朴实,没有什么个人野心。He is a simple man, without personal ambition. 13381
22. tāshi 踏实 steady and sure | dependable | earnest 【HSK-6】
【踏(stamp on, step on) + 实(firm, solid)】
- Wǒ xīnlǐ hěn tāshi.我心里很踏实。I feel steady and sure. 13388
23. zhèngshí 证实 confirm | authenticate | corroborate | affirm | demonstrate | verify 【HSK-6】
【证(prove) + 实(true)】
- Xiāoxī dédàole zhèngshí.消息得到了证实。The news has been confirmed. 13390
24. shíshī 实施 implement | carry out | enforce | put sth. in practice 【HSK-6】
【实(practise) + 施(apply)】
- Yīliáo zhìdù de gǎigé jiāng yú míngnián shíshī.医疗制度的改革将于明年实施。The reform of the health care system will be implemented next year. 13379
25. shíxíng 实行 put into practice | carry out | implement | 【HSK-6】
【实(practise) + 行(carry out)】
- Nàme nín zěnyàng lái shíxíng zhège zhèngcè ne?那么您怎样来实行这个政策呢?So how do you implement this policy? 13386
26. shíxiàn 实现 realize | achieve | bring about | come true 【HSK-5】
【实(realize) + 现(present, show)】
- Zhǎngdà hòu, tā shíxiàn le dāng yīshēng de yuànwàng.长大后,他实现了当医生的愿望。When grew up, he realized his wish to become a doctor. 13407
27. shíyàn 实验 experiment | test | trial run 【HSK-5】
【实(practice) + 验(test)】
- Zhège shíyàn biǎomíng shǎndiàn shì yī zhǒng fàngdiàn.这个实验表明闪电是一种放电。This experiment showed that the lightning is an electrical discharge. 13370
28. qièshí 切实 feasible | practical | realistic 【HSK-6】
【切(correspond to) + 实(reality)】
- Yǒule zhèxiē zīyuán, zhège jìhuà kàn lái shì qièshí kěxíng de.有了这些资源,这个计划看来是切实可行的。With these resources, the project seems feasible. 13404
29. luòshí 落实 finalize | practicable | implement | workable | fulfill | carry out 【HSK-6】
【落(drop) + 实(solid)】
- Suǒyǒu de tíyì dōu yǐjīng luòshíle.所有的提议都已经落实了。All proposals have been implemented. 13393
- Jiāo huò shíjiān hái méiyǒu zuìhòu luòshí.交货时间还没有最后落实。Delivery time has not yet been finalized. 13405
30. shíyòng 实用 practical | pragmatic | functional 【HSK-5】
【实(practice) + 用(use)】
- Qìxiàng xué shì yī mén fēicháng shíyòng de kēxué.气象学是一门非常实用的科学。Meteorology is a very practical science. 13371
31. shíjiàn 实践 practice | carry out 【HSK-5】
【实(practise) + 践(carry out)】
- Wǒmen yīnggāi bǎ zhè yī lǐlùn yìngyòng yú shíjiàn.我们应该把这一理论应用于实践。We should apply the theory to practice. 13367
32. shíxí 实习 internship | practice | fieldwork | field trip 【HSK-5】
【实(practise) + 习(study, practise)】
- Nǐ cóng shíxí zhōng xué dàole shénme?你从实习中学到了什么?What did you learn from your internships? 13368
33. míngfùqíshí 名副其实 veritable | be worthy of the name 【HSK-6】
【名(name) + 副(fit) + 其(his, her, its) + 实(fact)】
- Tā shì yīgè míngfùqíshí de yìshùjiā.他是一个名副其实的艺术家。He is a veritable artist. 13380
34. shíshìqiúshì 实事求是 seek truth from facts | be practical and realistic 【HSK-6】
【实事(fact) + 求(seek) + 是(truth)】
- Wǒmen duì zìjǐ de gūjì yīnggāi shíshìqiúshì.我们对自己的估计应该实事求是。We must be realistic in our self-estimation. 13385