词根 Root | 词缀 Affix (Videos) >>动 (dòng) ...... 35 Example Sentences
dòng 动 to use | to act | to move | to change
动 (dòng) can be used alone or as a root in compound words to express different meanings, such as: use, move, act or change. In HSK level 1-6, a total of 35 words contain 动 (dòng).

35 Example Sentences
动: 行动 | 动作 | 举动 | 被动 | 主动 | 自动 | 运动 | 运动量 | 动物 | 动物园 | 动画片 | 活动 | 劳动 | 生动 | 移动 | 振动 | 冲动 | 调动 | 动荡 | 动静 | 动机 | 动力 | 动脉 | 动身 | 动手 | 动态 | 动员 | 机动 | 发动 | 鼓动 | 轰动 | 惊动 | 感动 | 激动 | 无动于衷 |1. xíngdòng 行动 action | operation | take action 【HSK-5】
【行(to do) + 动(to act)】
- Wǒ bìxū lìkè cǎiqǔ xíngdòng.我必须立刻采取行动。I must take action immediately. 13043
2. dòngzuò 动作 motion | action | movement 【HSK-4】
- Dǎ yǔmáoqiú yǒu nǎxiē jīběn dòngzuò ne?打羽毛球有哪些基本动作呢?What are the basic motions of playing badminton? 12712
3. jǔdòng 举动 movement | move | act | activity 【HSK-6】
- Nǐ yào zhùyì tā de jǔdòng.你要注意他的举动。Fix your eyes on his movements. 13063
4. bèidòng 被动 passive | passivity 【HSK-6】
【被(passive voice marker) + 动(to use)】
- Méiyǒu xìngqù de xuéxí shì bèidòng de.没有兴趣的学习是被动的。Learning without interest is passive. 13048
5. zhǔdòng 主动 take the initiative | active |driving 【HSK-5】
【主(host) + 动(to use)】
- Bùyào hàipà zhǔdòng shuō chū zìjǐ de xiǎngfǎ.不要害怕主动说出自己的想法。Don't be afraid to take the initiative and say what you think. 13067
6. zìdòng 自动 automatic | automatically | spontaneous | voluntarily | 【HSK-5】
【自(self) + 动(to move)】
- Jīqì huì zìdòng wánchéng zhège gōngzuò.机器会自动完成这个工作。The machine will accomplish this automatically. 13047
7. yùndòng 运动 exercise | take exercise 【HSK-2】
- Wǒ xǐhuān měitiān zǎoshang zuò yùndòng.我喜欢每天早上做运动。I like to exercise every morning. 13036
8. yùndòngliàng 运动量 amount of exercise 【HSK-4】
- Nǐ kěyǐ huīfù zhèngcháng de yùndòngliàng.你可以恢复正常的运动量。You can resume normal exercise. 13039
9. dòngwù 动物 animal 【HSK-3】
- Nǐ xǐhuān shénme dòngwù?你喜欢什么动物?What animals do you like? 13038
10. dòngwùyuán 动物园 zoo 【HSK-3】
- Wǒmen kěyǐ yīqǐ qù dòngwùyuán.我们可以一起去动物园。We can go to the zoo together. 13037
11. dònghuàpiān 动画片 cartoon | animated film 【HSK-5】
- Wǒ kěyǐ tiāntiān kàn dònghuàpiān.我可以天天看动画片。I can watch cartoon every day. 13040
12. huódòng 活动 exercise | move around | behave 【HSK-4】
- Wǒ qù gōngyuán lǐ huódòng huódòng.我去公园里活动活动。I am going to do some exercise at park. 9427
13. láodòng 劳动 labor | work | physical labor 【HSK-5】
- Láodòng chuàngzào jiàzhí.劳动创造价值。Labor creates value. 13041
14. shēng dòng 生动 vivid | lively 【HSK-5】
- Kēxuéjiā yǐ shēngdòng de lìzi shuōmíng tā de lǐlùn.科学家以生动的例子说明他的理论。The scientist cited vivid instances in illustration of his theory. 13042
15. yídòng 移动 move | shift | removal | shifting | 【HSK-5】
【移(to move) + 动(to move)】
- Zhǐyǒu zài nǐ de bāngzhù xià, wǒ cáinéng yídòng tā.只有在你的帮助下,我才能移动它。I can only move it with your help. 13044
16. zhèndòng 振动 vibrate | vibration | 【HSK-5】
- Wùtǐ de láihuí yùndòng jiào"zhèndòng".物体的来回运动叫"振动"。The back and forth motion of the object is called "vibration." 13045
17. chōngdòng 冲动 impulse | impulsion | 【HSK-6】
- Tā yīshí chōngdòng mǎi xiàle zhè suǒ fángzi.他一时冲动买下了这所房子。He bought the house on impulse. 13049
18. diàodòng 调动 transfer | maneuver | muster | 【HSK-6】
- Zhè cì gōngzuò diàodòng ràng wǒ hěn jǐnzhāng.这次工作调动让我很紧张。This work transfer made me very nervous. 13050
19. dòngdàng 动荡 turbulence | upheaval | unrest 【HSK-6】
- Wǒmen shēnghuó zài yīgè dòngdàng de shídài.我们生活在一个动荡的时代。We are living in a turbulent time. 13051
20. dòngjing 动静 happenings | movement | a stir 【HSK-6】
- Tā zhùyì dào shùlín li yǒu dòngjing.他注意到树林里有动静。He noticed some movement in the bushes. 13053
21. dòngjī 动机 motivation | motive 【HSK-6】
- Tā zuò zhè jiàn shì de dòngjī shì hǎo de.他做这件事的动机是好的。His motivation to do this is good. 13052
22. dònglì 动力 motive power | power | force 【HSK-6】
- Zhè néng chéngwéi cùshǐ shèhuì qiánjìn de dònglì.这能成为促使社会前进的动力。This can become a driving force for social advance. 13054
23. dòngmài 动脉 artery 【HSK-6】
- Wǒmen zhīdào yīxiē dòngmài yìnghuà de yuányīn.我们知道一些动脉硬化的原因。We know some of the causes hardening of the arteries. 13055
24. dòngshēn 动身 leave | go on a journey | depart | set out 【HSK-6】
【动(to move) + 身(body)】
- Wǒ míngtiān dòngshēn qù běijīng.我明天动身去北京。I'll leave for Beijing tomorrow. 13056
25. dòngshǒu 动手 start work | get to work 【HSK-6】
【动(to move) + 手(hand)】
- Rúguǒ wǒ shì nǐ, wǒ xiànzài jiù dòngshǒu shōushí xínglǐle.如果我是你,我现在就动手收拾行李了。If I were you, I would start packing now. 13057
26. dòngtài 动态 dynamic | trends | motional | 【HSK-6】
【动(to change) + 态(state)】
- Shāngyè géxīn shì yīgè dòngtài de guòchéng.商业革新是一个动态的过程。Business innovation is a dynamic process. 13066
27. dòngyuán 动员 mobilize | arouse | mobilization 【HSK-6】
- Wǒmen dòngyuán yīqiè lìliàng lái jiějué zhège wèntí.我们动员一切力量来解决这个问题。We mobilize all forces to solve this problem. 13059
28. jīdòng 机动 motor-driven | motorized | flexible | 【HSK-6】
- Nǐ kěyǐ jīdòng de chǔlǐ gōngzuò zhōng de wèntí.你可以机动地处理工作中的问题。You can deal flexibly with problems at work. 13065
29. fādòng 发动 start | launch | mobilize 【HSK-6】
- Nǐ néng fādòng zhè liàng chē ma?你能发动这辆车吗?Can you start this car? 13019
30. gǔdòng 鼓动 agitate | instigate | incite 【HSK-6】
- Tā zǒng shì gǔdòng nà háizi zuò huàishì.他总是鼓动那孩子做坏事。He always instigates the boy to do evil. 13060
31. hōngdòng 轰动 furor | sensation | stir 【HSK-6】
- Tā de xīn lǐlùn hōngdòngle shìjiè.他的新理论轰动了世界。His new theory has sensationalized the world. 13061
32. jīngdòng 惊动 alarm | disturb | shock | alert 【HSK-6】
- Zhè xiāoxī jīngdòngle quán chéng.这消息惊动了全城。The whole town was startled by the news. 13062
33. gǎndòng 感动 be touched | move or touch sb. | feel moved 【HSK-4】
【感(feel) +动(be moved)】
- Wǒ bèi tā shēn shēn de gǎndòngle.我被他深深地感动了。I was deeply touched by him. 11274
34. jīdòng 激动 excited | exciting | agitated 【HSK-4】
- Dàjiā dōu hěn jīdòng.大家都很激动。Everyone is absolutely thrilled. 8500
35. wúdòngyúzhōng 无动于衷 Indifferent | impassively | apathetic | 【HSK-6】
【无(no)+动(change)+于(in)+衷(inner feelings)】
- Wǒmen bùnéng duì zhège wēijī wúdòngyúzhōng.我们不能对这个危机无动于衷。We cannot be indifferent to this crisis. 13064