词根 Root | 词缀 Affix (Videos) >>发 (fā/fà) ...... 39 Example Sentences
fā/fà 发 send out | shoot | set off | show feelings | issue | develop | get rich; hair
Chinese character 发 (fā/fà) has multiple parts of speech, pronunciations and meanings.
When used as a verb, it is pronounced as the first tone "fā". 发(fā) can be used alone or as a root in compound words to express different meanings, such as: send out | shoot | set off | show feelings | issue | develop.
When used as a noun, it is pronounced as the fourth tone "fà", which means "hair".
In HSK level 1-6, a total of 39 words contains 发(fā) or 发(fà).

39 Example Sentences
发: 发 | 发射 | 发生 | 发展 | 发达 | 发现 | 发觉 | 发烧 | 发炎 | 发抖 | 发愁 | 发呆 | 发育 | 发挥 | 发表 | 发布 | 发行 | 发言 | 发明 | 发票 | 发财 | 发动 | 发誓 | 发扬 | 沙发 | 出发 | 开发 | 启发 | 激发 | 爆发 | 迸发 | 批发 | 颁发 | 散发 | 蒸发 | 自发 | 头发 | 理发 | 发小儿 |1. fā 发 send out | deliver | issue 【HSK-3】
- Qǐng gěi wǒ fā duǎnxìn huòzhě dǎ diànhuà.请给我发短信或者打电话。Please send me a text message or give me a call. 9087
2. fāshè 发射 shoot | fire | launch 【HSK-6】
【发(shoot) + 射(shoot, fire)】
- Zhège guójiā fāshèle yī kē wèixīng dào tàikōng.这个国家发射了一颗卫星到太空。This country has launched a satellite into space. 13022
3. fāshēng 发生 take place | happen 【HSK-4】
- Zhè dàodǐ shì zěnme fāshēng de?这到底是怎么发生的?How on earth did this happen? 10936
4. fāzhǎn 发展 develop | expand | go along 【HSK-4】
【发(develop) + 展(expand)】
- Zhège guójiā de jīngjì hěn kuài fāzhǎn qǐlái.这个国家的经济很快发展起来。The economy of the country has developed very fast. 12577
5. fādá 发达 developed | flourishing | develop 【HSK-5】
- Wǒmen yǒu yīgè hěn fādá de jiāotōng xìtǒng.我们有一个很发达的交通系统。We have a well developed transportation system. 13005
6. fāxiàn 发现 find out | discover 【HSK-3】
- Tā fāxiàn yǒurén zài gēnzhe tā.他发现有人在跟着他。He found someone following him. 11992
7. fājué 发觉 realize 【HSK-6】
- Wǒ fājuéle yīngyǔ de zhòngyàoxìng.我发觉了英语的重要性。I realized the importance of English. 13021
8. fāshāo 发烧 have a fever 【HSK-3】
- Wǒ shēntǐ bú shūfú, fāshāole.我身体不舒服,发烧了。I do not feel very well. I have a fever. 9269
9. fāyán 发炎 inflamed | inflammation 【HSK-6】
- Rúguǒ shāngkǒu fāyán, nǐ jiù yīnggāi zhǎo yīshēng.如果伤口发炎,你就应该找医生。You should call the doctor if the wound becomes inflamed. 13033
10. fādǒu 发抖 shiver | shudder | tremble | tremulous | shaking 【HSK-5】
- Nǐ de shǒu wéi shén me zài fādǒu?你的手为什么在发抖?Why is your hand shaking? 13006
11. fāchóu 发愁 worry 【HSK-5】
【发(show feelings) + 愁(worry)】
- Tā sìhū zài wèi shénme shì fāchóu.他似乎在为什么事发愁。He seems to be worrying about something. 13004
12. fādāi 发呆 daze | numbness | absence of mind 【HSK-6】
- Wǒ zhèng zuò zài diànnǎo qián fādāi.我正坐在电脑前发呆。I am sitting in front of the computer in a daze. 13018
13. fāyù 发育 grow | upgrowth | development 【HSK-6】
- Zhè yǐngxiǎngle yùmǐ de shēngzhǎng hé fāyù.这影响了玉米的生长和发育。This affects the growth and development of corn. 13034
14. fāhuī 发挥 exert | bring to bear | bring into play | unleash 【HSK-5】
- Zhè jiā gōngsī kěyǐ gěi wǒ fāhuī cáinéng de jīhuì.这家公司可以给我发挥才能的机会。This company can give me the opportunity to play. 13007
15. fābiǎo 发表 issue (a statement) | publish | issue | put out 【HSK-5】
【发(issue) + 表(indicate,express)】
- Tā fābiǎole tā de dì yī bù xiǎoshuō.她发表了她的第一部小说。She published her first novel. 13003
16. fābù 发布 release | issue | distribute 【HSK-6】
【发(issue) + 布(spread)】
- Tāmen fābù de shì hǎo xiāoxī háishì huài xiāoxī?他们发布的是好消息还是坏消息?Do they release good news or bad news? 13016
17. fāxíng 发行 publish | issue | release 【HSK-6】
- Wǒmen juédìng bù fāxíng zhège chǎnpǐn.我们决定不发行这个产品。We decided not to release this product. 13024
18. fāyán 发言 statement | utterance | make a statement | take the floor 【HSK-5】
- Wǒ duì nǐ de fāyán yǒu yīxiē yíwèn.我对你的发言有一些疑问。I have some questions about your speech. 13010
19. fāmíng 发明 invent | invention 【HSK-5】
- Nǐ zhīdào shéi fāmíngliǎo zhǐ ma?你知道谁发明了纸吗?Do you know who invented paper? 13008
20. fāpiào 发票 invoice | receipt or bill for purchasing sth 【HSK-5】
- Qǐng shōu hǎo nín de língqián hé fāpiào.请收好您的零钱和发票。Please keep your change and invoice. 13009
21. fācái 发财 get rich | making a fortune 【HSK-6】
【发(get rich) + 财(wealth)】
- Tā hěn kuài jiù cóng fācái de měimèng zhōng xǐng guòlái.他很快就从发财的美梦中醒过来。He soon woke up from the dream of making a fortune. 13017
22. fādòng 发动 start | launch | mobilize 【HSK-6】
- Nǐ néng fādòng zhè liàng chē ma?你能发动这辆车吗?Can you start this car? 13019
23. fāshì 发誓 vow | pledge | swear | swear an oath | to take an oath 【HSK-6】
- Tā fāshì jué bù zài zuò nàyàng de shì.他发誓绝不再做那样的事。He vowed never to do that again. 13023
24. fāyáng 发扬 carry forward | develop | make full use of 【HSK-6】
- Wǒmen yào fāyáng tuánduì jīngshén.我们要发扬团队精神。We must carry forward the team spirit. 13026
25. shāfā 沙发 sofa | upholstered arm chair 【HSK-4】
- Tā tǎng zài shāfā shàng xiǎoshuìle yīhuǐ'er.他躺在沙发上小睡了一会儿。He lay on the sofa and took a nap. 12536
26. chūfā 出发 set out | start off | leave | head | move on | take the road 【HSK-4】
【出(go out) + 发(set out)】
- Wǒmen 8 diǎn zhōng chūfā, suǒyǐ nǐ hái yǒu shíjiān.我们8点钟出发,所以你还有时间。We're leaving at 8 o'clock, so you still have time. 10404
27. kāifā 开发 exploit | open up (for development) | develop | development 【HSK-5】
- Tāmen xiàng zhèngfǔ tíchūle yīgè kāifā jìhuà.他们向政府提出了一个开发计划。They proposed a development program to the government. 13011
28. qǐfā 启发 inspiration | enlighten 【HSK-5】
- Méiyǒu nín de bāngzhù hé qǐfā, wǒ shì bù kěnéng chénggōng de.没有您的帮助和启发,我是不可能成功的。I can't succeed without your help and inspiration. 13012
29. jīfā 激发 arouse | excite | inspire 【HSK-6】
- Zhè zhǒng fāngfǎ jīfāle tā liànxí de rèqíng.这种方法激发了她练习的热情。This method inspired her passion for practice. 13028
30. bàofā 爆发 break out | erupt | explode | burst out 【HSK-6】
- Rénqún bàofā chū yīpiàn huānhū shēng.人群爆发出一片欢呼声。The crowd burst into cheers. 13014
31. bèngfā 迸发 burst forth | burst out 【HSK-6】
- Rénmen de rèqíng bèngfāle chūlái.人们的热情迸发了出来。The enthusiasm of the people burst out. 13035
32. pīfā 批发 wholesale 【HSK-6】
- Wǒmen shì zuò pīfā xiāoshòu de, bù língshòu.我们是做批发销售的,不零售。We sell them by wholesale, not by retail. 13029
33. bānfā 颁发 issue | promulgate | award 【HSK-6】
- Lǎoshī gěi tóngxuémen bānfāle jiǎngpǐn.老师给同学们颁发了奖品。The teacher awarded prizes to the students. 13013
34. sànfā 散发 distribute | emit | give off | send out 【HSK-6】
- Zhè zhǒng chá huì sànfā chū xiāngwèi.这种茶会散发出香味。This tea will give off aroma. 13030
35. zhēngfā 蒸发 evaporate | evaporation 【HSK-6】
- Hǎishuǐ zhēngfā xíngchéng shuǐ zhēngqì.海水蒸发形成水蒸气。The seawater evaporates to form water vapor. 13031
36. zìfā 自发 spontaneous 【HSK-6】
- Zhèxiē guòchéng dōu shì zìfā jìnxíng de.这些过程都是自发进行的。These processes are all spontaneous. 13032
37. tóufa 头发 hair 【HSK-3】
【头(head) + 发(hair)】
- Tā de tóufa bǐ guòqù duǎn duōle.她的头发比过去短多了。Her hair is much shorter than it used to be. 10530
38. lǐfà 理发 get a haircut 【HSK-4】
【理(manage) + 发(hair)】
- Wǒ měi gè yuè dōu lǐfà.我每个月都理发。I have a haircut every month. 7725
- Yòng zhè zhāng kǎ, tā kěyǐ miǎnfèi lǐ yīcì fā.用这张卡,他可以免费理一次发。With this card, he can get a free haircut. 12644
39. fàxiǎor 发小儿 friends who grow up together 【HSK-4】
- Wǒmen liǎ shì fàxiǎor.我们俩是发小儿。We are childhood buddies. 12788