每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

Chinese characters with the radical 力( Lì-Strength)

Radicals (Thumbnails) >> 力(Lì)
The radical 力(Lì) is commonly known as 力字旁(Lì Zì Páng). In the Oracle Bone Script, 力 resembles an ancient plow used to cultivate the land. Chinese characters having this radical are often related to actions using strength, such as: dòng-动 (to move), bàn-办(to do).

(3 characters)
(4 characters)
(3 characters)

HSK Level 2:    3 characters

1 【dòng】 to move | to use | to act | to change
  • 【yùndòng】 take exercise [level: 2] v.
  • 物园【dòngwùyuán】 zoo [level: 3] n.
  • 【dòngwù】 animal [level: 3] n.
  • 【dòngzuò】 movement | action | motion [level: 4] n.
  • 【gǎndòng】 move or touch sb. | feel moved | be touched [level: 4] v.
  • 【huódòng】 exercise | move around | behave [level: 4] v.
  • 【huódòng】 activity [level: 4] n.
  • 【jīdòng】 excited | exciting | agitated [level: 4] adj.
  • 【jīdòng】 excite | thrill | inspire [level: 4] v.
  • 【yùndòngliàng】 amount of exercise [level: 4] n.
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    2 【wù】 affair | business | matter
  • 【fúwùyuán】 attendant | waiter | waitress [level: 2] n.
  • 【rènwu】 task | assignment | mission | job | duty [level: 4] n.
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    3 【zhù】 to help | to assist
  • 【bāngzhù】 help | assist | aid | support [level: 2] v.
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    HSK Level 3:    4 characters

    1 【lì】 power | force | strength
  • 【nǔlì】 hard-working | diligent [level: 3] adj.
  • 【lìqi】 (physical) strength | might | force [level: 4] n.
  • 【nénglì】 ability | capability [level: 4] n.
  • 巧克【qiǎokèlì】 chocolate [level: 4] n.
  • 【yālì】 pressure | strain | stress | weight [level: 4] n.
  • 判断【pànduàn lì】 judgment | understanding | [level: 4] n.
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    2 【jiā】 to add | plus
  • 【cānjiā】 join | take part in | attend [level: 3] v.
  • 【jiābān】 work overtime [level: 4] sv.
  • 油站【jiāyóuzhàn】 gas station [level: 4] n.
  • 【zēngjiā】 increase [level: 4] v.
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    3 【bàn】 to do | to manage | to handle | to go about | to run | to set up | to deal with
  • 【bànfǎ】 method | way | means | step to take | resource [level: 3] n.
  • 公室【bàngōngshì】 office [level: 3] n.
  • 【jǔbàn】 hold (exhibition, contest, etc.) [level: 4] v.
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    4 【nǔ】 to exert | to strive
  • 【nǔlì】 hard-working | diligent [level: 3] adj.
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    HSK Level 4:    3 characters

    1 【gōng】 achievement | merit | result | service | accomplishment
  • 【chénggōng】 succeed [level: 4] v.
  • 【chénggōng】 success [level: 4] n.
  • 【gōngfu】 Kung Fu [level: 4] n.
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    2 【yǒng】 brave
  • 【yǒnggǎn】 brave | courageous [level: 4] adj.
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    3 【lì】 exhort
  • 【gǔlì】 inspiration | encouragement [level: 4] n.
  • 【gǔlì】 encourage | work up | cheer on [level: 4] v.
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