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Chinese characters with the radical 刂( Dāo - Knife )

Radicals (Thumbnails) >> 刂(Dāo)
The radical 刂(Dāo) is commonly known as 立刀旁(Lì Dāo Páng). It is originated from the character Dāo-刀(knife). Chinese characters having this radical are often related to knife, such as: Guā-刮(to scrape), Huá-划(to mark off), Lì-利(sharp).

(1 characters)
(2 characters)
(4 characters)
(9 characters)

HSK Level 1:    1 characters

1 【qián】 before | in front | ago | former | previous | earlier | front
  • 【qiánmiàn】 in front | before | at the head | ahead [level: 1] n.
  • 【yǐqián】 before (a point of time) | ago | previously [level: 3] adv.
  • 【tíqián】 in advance | ahead of time [level: 4] adv.
  • 【tíqián】 advance the date or time of [level: 4] v.
  • 【zhīqián】 before | prior to | ago: [level: 4] prep.
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    HSK Level 2:    2 characters

    1 【dào】 to (a place) | until (a time) | up to | to go | to arrive
  • 【dào】 arrive | go to | get to | reach [level: 2] v.
  • 【dào】 (到+time) up until | up to [level: 2] prep.
  • 【dào】 (Verb+到, indicating the action has a result) [level: 2]
  • 【chídào】 be late [level: 3] v.
  • 【yùdào】 meet [level: 3] v.
  • 【dàochù】 everywhere [level: 4] adv.
  • 【dàodǐ】 what on earth | after all | at all [level: 4] adv.
  • 【shòudào】 accept | receive [level: 4] v.
  • 【tídào】 mention | refer to [level: 4] v.
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    2 【bié/biè】 other | another | do not | must not | leave | depart | separate | distinguish | classify | to pin, contrary | difficult | awkward
  • 【bié】 don't [level: 2] adv.
  • 【biéren】 other people | another person [level: 3] pron.
  • 【tèbié】 very | exceptionally | particularly | specially [level: 3] adv.
  • 【qūbié】 difference [level: 4] n.
  • 【xìngbié】 gender | sex [level: 4] n.
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    HSK Level 3:    4 characters

    1 【kè】 to carve | to cut | quarter (hour) | (a measure word) | to engrave | oppressive
  • 【kè】 quarter of an hour [level: 3] n.
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    2 【gāng】 hard | firm | strong | just | barely | exactly
  • 【gāngcái】 a moment ago | just now [level: 3] n.
  • 【gāng】 just | only [level: 4] adv.
  • 【gānggāng】 just | only | right now | exactly [level: 4] adv.
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    3 【shuā/shuà】 brush, to select
  • 【shuāyá】 brush one's teeth | clean one's teeth [level: 3] sv.
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    4 【guā】 to scrape | to blow, blow (of the wind)
  • 【guāfēng】 blow (of wind) [level: 3] sv.
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    HSK Level 4:    9 characters

    1 【lì】 sharp | advantage | benefit | profit
  • 【liúlì】 fluent [level: 4] adj.
  • 【shùnlì】 smooth | without a hitch [level: 4] adj.
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    2 【zhì】 system | to make | to manufacture | to control | to regulate, manufacture
  • 【xiànzhì】 limit | restrict [level: 4] v.
  • 【zhìzào】 manufacture | make | create | [level: 4] v.
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    3 【zé】 standard | (expresses contrast with a previous sentence or clause) | norm | rule | to imitate | to follow | then | principle
  • 【fǒuzé】 otherwise [level: 4] conj.
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    4 【liè】 to arrange | to line up | row | file | series
  • 【páiliè】 put in order | arrange | rank [level: 4] v.
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    5 【huá/huà】 to mark off | to delimit | to transfer | to assign | to differentiate | to draw (a line) | to delete | stroke of a Chinese character, to row
  • 【jìhuà】 plan [level: 4] n.
  • 【jìhuà】 plan to do sth. [level: 4] v.
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    6 【pàn】 to judge | to sentence | to discriminate | to discern
  • 【pànduàn】 judgment | decision | estimation [level: 4] n.
  • 断力【pànduàn lì】 judgment | understanding | [level: 4] n.
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    7 【liú】 (surname) | to kill
  • 【Liú】 surname [level: 3] n.
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    8 【jù】 drama | play | show | severe
  • 【jīngjù】 Beijing Opera [level: 4] n.
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    9 【shèng】 have as remainder
  • 【shèng】 be left over | remain [level: 4] v.
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