每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

Chinese words or phrases containing "打 dǎ" [HSK 4]

The Chinese Character 打 (dǎ) uses the radical Hand which commonly called 提手旁. A word or phrase containing '打' usually indicates an action of hand.

打 + Object

打 has different meanings in the structure of "打 + Object", for example:
  1. send | dispatch | fetch: 打电话; 
  2. play: 打篮球, 打排球, 打乒乓球, 打网球, 打羽毛球; (Please note all of them are sports playing by hand. We do not use 打 to describe playing football. The correct saying is "踢足球".) 
  3. inject: 打针 (针 means Needle Medicine); 
  4. buy | order: 打车, 打票.

打 + Verb

In the structure of 打 + Verb, 打 is to strengthen the verb, it has no specific meaning, for example:
  1. 招呼 = call, greet; 打+招呼 = greet sb.
  2. 扫 = to sweep, to clean; 打扫 = to clean, to sweep.
  3. 算 = count|calculate; 打算 = plan to do something, be going to do something.
  4. 扮 = disguise|dressed up; 打扮 = dress up | make up
  5. 扰 = disturb, bother; 打扰 = disturb, bother.
  6. 印 = print, impress; 打印 = print
  7. 折 = discount, fold; 打折 = give a discount.

Example Sentences (例句):

1. dǎ diànhuà 打电话 make a phone call 【HSK-1】
  • Qǐng gěi wǒ fā duǎnxìn huòzhě dǎ diànhuà.
    Please send me a text message or give me a call. 9087

2. dǎ lánqiú 打篮球 play basketball 【HSK-2】v.
  • Wǒ zuìdà de àihào jiùshì dǎ lánqiú.
    My favorite hobby is to play basketball. 9057

3. dǎzhēn 打针 give or have an injection 【HSK-4】sv.
  • Hùshi zhèngzài gěi bìngrén dǎzhēn.
    The nurse is giving an injection to a patient. 8992

4. dǎchē 打车 take a taxi 【HSK-3】
  • Wǒ méi dài sǎn, zhǐhǎo dǎchē huí jiā.
    I didn't bring an umbrella, so I had to take a taxi home. 12863

5. dǎzhāohu 打招呼 greet sb. 【HSK-4】
  • Tā tíng xiàlái xiàng wǒmen dǎzhāohū.
    He stopped to greet us. 12862

6. dǎsǎo 打扫 clean | sweep 【HSK-3】v.
  • Tā zài dǎsǎo fángjiān.
    He is cleaning the room. 8431

7. dǎsuàn 打算 plan to |be going to do sth. 【HSK-3】v.
  • dǎsuàn xià gè xīngqí qù lǚyóu.
    I plan to go to travel next week. 9358

8. dǎban 打扮 dress up | make up 【HSK-4】v.
  • Wǒ bǎ tā dǎbàn de xiàng yīgè gōngzhǔ.
    I had her dress up like a princess. 8433

9. dǎrǎo 打扰 bother | interrupt | intervene 【HSK-4】v.
  • Nǐ fùqīn gōngzuò shí bùyào dǎrǎo tā.
    Don't bother your father when he's working. 10136

10. dǎyìn 打印 print 【HSK-4】v.
  • Wǒ zhèngzài děng wénjiàn dǎyìn chūlái.
    I'm waiting for a document to be printed. 10153

11. dǎzhé 打折 give a discount 【HSK-4】sv.
  • Rúguǒ nǐ mǎi shí gè, tā tōngcháng huì gěi nǐ dǎzhé.
    He usually gives you a discount if you buy 10. 8438