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No.13 着 ( zháo/zhe/zhuó ) - Chinese Polyphonic Characters 多音字

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zháo - 着

1. zháojí 着急 feel anxious | worry 【HSK-3】sv.
  • Bié zháojí, tā huì méishì de.
    Don't worry, she'll be all right. 10853

2. zháohuǒ 着火 inflame | catch fire | be on fire 【HSK-5】v.
  • Tā de fángzi zháohuǒle.
    His house is on fire. 12820

3. zháoliáng 着凉 catch cold 【HSK-5】v.
  • Duō chuān xiē yīfú, bié zháoliáng le.
    Wear more clothes and don't catch cold. 12821

zhe - 着

1. zhe (indicating that the action starts and continues) 【HSK-2】sa.
  • Tāmen zhèngzài tōng zhe diànhuà.
    They are talking on the phone. 353

2. jiēzhe 接着 continue | go on 【HSK-4】v.
  • Tā xiǎngle yīxià, ránhòu jiēzhe xiě.
    She thinks about it and then continues to write. 9381

3. suízhe 随着 along with | in the wake of | in pace with 【HSK-4】
  • Suízhe chéngshì de fǎ zhǎn, wèntí biàn dé gèng fùzále.
    Along with urban development, the problem becomes more complicated. 12822

zhuó - 着

1. zhízhuó 执着 persistent 【HSK-6】adj.
  • Zhízhuó de jīngshén kěyǐ bāng nǐ shíxiàn mùbiāo.
    Persistent spirit can help you achieve your goals. 12825

2. chénzhuó 沉着 calm | composed | steady 【HSK-6】adj.
  • Tā shì yīgè zìxìn, chénzhuó de rén.
    She is a confident, calm person. 12824