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Chinese characters with the radical 宀(Mián)

Radicals (Thumbnails) >> 宀(Mián)
【宀】 俗称“宝盖头”。“宀”的字形像屋顶,宀字旁的字通常与房屋有关,比如:家、室、宫。
The radical "宀", commonly known as 宝盖头(bǎogàitóu), depicts a roof. Chinese Characters using "宀" are usually related to house or room, such as Jiā-家-home, Shì-室-room, Gōng-宫-palace. This radical is always placed on the top of a character.

(2 characters)
(5 characters)
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(5 characters)

HSK Level 1:    2 characters

1 【jiā】 home | family | a person engaged in a certain art or profession | furniture | tool, -ist | -er | -ian |
  • 【jiā】 home | family | household [level: 1] n.
  • 【jiā】 (measure word for families, restaurants, companies, etc.) [level: 1] nm.
  • 【dàjiā】 everyone | everybody [level: 2] pron.
  • 【guójiā】 country [level: 3] n.
  • 【jiājù】 furniture [level: 4] n.
  • 【zuòjiā】 writer | author [level: 4] n.
  • 科学【kēxuéjiā】 scientist [level: 4] n.
  • 教育学【jiàoyùxuéjiā】 educationist [level: 4] n.
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    2 【kè】 guest | customer | visitor
  • 【búkèqi】 You're welcome. [level: 1]
  • 【kèrén 】 guest [level: 3] n.
  • 【gùkè】 customer [level: 4] n.
  • 【kètīng】 living room [level: 4] n.
  • 【chéngkè】 passenger [level: 4] n.
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    HSK Level 2:    5 characters

    1 【tā】 it
  • 【tā】 it | its [level: 2] pron.
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    2 【wán】 to finish | to be over | whole | complete | entire
  • 【wán】 indicating finished | be used up | run out [level: 2] v.
  • 【wánchéng】 accomplish | complete | finish | achieve | fulfill [level: 3] v.
  • 【wánquán】 completely | absolutely | entirely | all | totally [level: 4] adv.
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    3 【shì】 room
  • 【jiàoshì】 classroom [level: 2] n.
  • 办公【bàngōngshì】 office [level: 3] n.
  • 【shìwài】 outdoor [level: 4] adj.
  • 【shìnèi】 indoor [level: 4] adj.
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    4 【yí】 proper | should | suitable | appropriate
  • 便【piányi】 cheap | inexpensive [level: 2] adj.
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    5 【bīn】 visitor | guest
  • 【bīnguǎn】 hotel [level: 2] n.
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    HSK Level 3:    5 characters

    1 【dìng】 to set | to fix | to determine | to decide | to order
  • 【juédìng】 decide | determine [level: 3] v.
  • 【juédìng】 decision | determination | resolution [level: 3] n.
  • 【yídìng】 surely | certainly | necessarily [level: 3] adv.
  • 【guīdìng】 stipulate | order [level: 4] v.
  • 【guīdìng】 rule | regulation | stipulation [level: 4] n.
  • 【kěndìng】 certainly | surely [level: 4] adv.
  • 【kěndìng】 affirm | confirm | regard as positive [level: 4] v.
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    2 【shí】 real | true | honest | really | solid
  • 【qíshí】 actually | in fact | as a matter of fact [level: 3] adv.
  • 【chéngshí】 honest [level: 4] adj.
  • 【quèshí】 indeed | really [level: 4] adv.
  • 【shíjì】 actual | real [level: 4] adj.
  • 【shízài】 honest | true | real | dependable [level: 4] adj.
  • 【shízài】 honestly | really | indeed [level: 4] adv.
  • 际上【shíjìshang】 actually | as a matter of fact | in fact [level: 4] adv.
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    3 【ān】 quiet | content | calm | still | to pacify | peace
  • 【ānjìng】 keep silent | quiet down [level: 3] v.
  • 【ānjìng】 quiet | noiseless | calm [level: 3] adj.
  • 【ānpái】 arrange | plan in detail [level: 4] v.
  • 【ānpái】 arrangement | plan to do sth [level: 4] n.
  • 【ānquán】 safe [level: 4] adj.
  • 【ānquán】 safety [level: 4] n.
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    4 【róng】 to hold | to contain | to allow | appearance | look | countenance
  • 【róngyì】 easy | ready [level: 3] adj.
  • 【nèiróng】 content | substance [level: 4] n.
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    5 【hài】 to do harm to | to cause trouble to | harm | evil | calamity
  • 【hàipà】 be afraid | be frightened [level: 3] sv.
  • 【hàixiū】 shy [level: 4] adj.
  • 【lìhai】 serious | grave | acute [level: 4] adj.
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    HSK Level 4:    5 characters

    1 【chá】 examine | inquire | observe | inspect | look into | to examine
  • 【jǐngchá】 policeman | policewoman | cop [level: 4] n.
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    2 【mì】 secret | confidential | close | thick | dense
  • 【mìmǎ】 password | code [level: 4] n.
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    3 【fù】 rich
  • 【fēngfù】 abundant | plentiful | copious | rich | profuse [level: 4] adj.
  • 【fēngfù】 enrich [level: 4] v.
  • 【fù】 rich [level: 4] adj.
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    4 【hán】 cold | poor | to tremble
  • 【hánjià】 winter vacation [level: 4] n.
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    5 【jì】 lodge at | to mail | to send | to entrust | to depend
  • 【jì】 mail [level: 4] v.
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