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Chinese characters with the radical 阝(Fù | Yì)

Radicals (Thumbnails) >> 阝(Fù | Yì)
The radical "阝" is commonly known as 双耳旁(Shuāngěrpáng) or 双耳刀(Shuāngěrdāo). It can be placed either on the right side of a character or on the left.
When on the left-side, 阝originally is Fù-阜 meaning "hill". Characters with left-side 阝 are usually related to hill, such as: Yīn-阴(north of a hill)*, Yáng-阳(south of a hill)*, etc.
When on the right-side, 阝originally is Yì-邑 meaning "area, district, or city". Characters with right-side 阝 are usually related to city, such as: Lín-邻(basic community unity)*, Dū-都(capital city)*, etc.
Before the Han Dynasty(206 BC–220 AD), the left-side 阝 were written differently from the right-side 阝. They gradually became the same.

* the original meaning of the character.

(3 characters)
(1 characters)
(6 characters)
(9 characters)

HSK Level 1:    3 characters

1 【nǎ/nà/nèi】 that | those, how | which, that | those | (sometimes used before a measure word, especially in Beijing)
  • 【nà(nàr)】 that [level: 1] pron.
  • 【nà'er】 there [level: 1] pron.
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    2 【dōu/dū】 all | both (if two things are involved) | entirely (due to)each | even | already, (surname) | metropolis | capital city
  • 【dōu】 all [level: 1] adv.
  • 【dōu】 even (连+...+都, used to emphasize) [level: 1] adv.
  • 【dōu】 already [level: 1] adv.
  • 【dōushì】 just because of [level: 1] adv.
  • 【shǒudū】 capital (of a country) [level: 4] n.
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    3 【yuàn】 courtyard | institution
  • 【yīyuàn】 hospital [level: 1] n.
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    HSK Level 2:    1 characters

    1 【yīn】 (of weather) overcast | Yin | feminine | moon | cloudy | negative (electric.) | shady
  • 【yīn】 cloudy | overcast [level: 2] adj.
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    HSK Level 3:    6 characters

    1 【chú】 remove | do away with | wipe out | divide | except
  • 【chúle 】 except (for) | besides | in addition to [level: 3] prep.
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    2 【ā/à/a/ē】 an initial particle | prefix to names of people, (phonetic character), (final part.) | (interj.), flatter
  • 【āyí】 aunt [level: 3] n.
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    3 【yáng】 sun | positive (electric.)
  • 【tàiyáng】 the Sun [level: 3] n.
  • 【yángguāng】 sunshine | sunlight [level: 4] n.
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    4 【fù】 to add | to attach | to be close to | to be attached
  • 【fùjìn】 nearby | neighbour | vicinity | proximity [level: 3] n.
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    5 【yóu】 post (office) | mail
  • 电子【diànzǐyóujiàn】 email [level: 3] n.
  • 【yóujú】 post office [level: 4] n.
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    6 【lín】 neighbor | adjacent | close to
  • 【línjū】 neighbor [level: 3] n.
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    HSK Level 4:    9 characters

    1 【bù】 ministry | department | section | part | division | troops | board | (a measure word) | (a measure word for works of literature, films, machines, etc.)
  • 【bùfèn】 part [level: 4] n.
  • 【quánbù】 whole | all [level: 4] n.
  • 【quánbù】 whole | complete | total | all [level: 4] adj.
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    2 【duì】 team | squadron | group
  • 【páiduì】 queue | line up [level: 4] sv.
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    3 【jì】 border | edge | boundary | between | among | interval | while
  • 【guójì】 international [level: 4] adj.
  • 【shíjì】 actual | real [level: 4] adj.
  • 【shíjìshang】 actually | as a matter of fact | in fact [level: 4] adv.
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    4 【suí】 to follow | to comply with | to allow | (surname)
  • 便【suíbiàn】 casual | random | informal [level: 4] adj.
  • 【suízhe】 along with | in the wake of | in pace with [level: 4] adv.
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    5 【xiàn】 limit | bound
  • 【xiànzhì】 limit | restrict [level: 4] v.
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    6 【xiǎn】 danger (ous) | rugged
  • 【wēixiǎn】 dangerous | hazardous | jeopardous | perilous | precarious | risky [level: 4] adj.
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    7 【jiàng/xiáng】 to drop | to fall | to come down | to descend, surrender
  • 【jiàngluò】 land | descend [level: 4] v.
  • 【jiàngdī】 lower | reduce | decrease [level: 4] v.
  • 【jiàngyǔ】 rainfall [level: 4] n.
  • 【jiàngwēn】 drop in temperature | cool down [level: 4]
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    8 【péi】 to accompany | to keep sb. company
  • 【péi】 accompany | keep one's company [level: 4] v.
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    9 【jiāo】 suburb
  • 【jiāoqū】 suburbs | outskirts [level: 4] n.
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