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No.4 了 ( liǎo/le ) Chinese Polyphonic Characters 多音字 [HSK level 4]

HSK4 > Chinese Polyphonic Characters 多音字(Videos) > 了

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liǎo - 了

1. liǎojiě 了解 know | understand | comprehend 【HSK-3】v.
  • Nǐ xiǎng liǎojiě 18 shìjì de lìshǐ ma?
    Do you want to know the history of the 18th century? 12592

2. shòubuliǎo 受不了 can't bear | can't stand 【HSK-4】
  • shòubùliǎo tā de huài píqì.
    I can't stand his bad temper. 12749

le - 了

1. le (sentence+了, to indicate a change of situation) 【HSK-1】mp.
  • Wǒmen dào shí, yīnyuè huì yǐjīng kāishǐle.
    The concert had already begun by the time we arrived. 12613

2. le (Verb+了, past tense marker) 【HSK-1】sa.
  • Tā zhǐchūle wǒ gāi qù dì dìfāng.
    She pointed out where I should go. 12750

3. chúle 除了 except (for) | besides | in addition to 【HSK-3】prep.
  • Chúle lánqiú wài, nǐ hái xǐhuān bié de yùndòng ma?
    Do you like any other sports besides basketball? 11561

4. wèile 为了 for 【HSK-3】prep.
  • Wèile nǐ, wǒ shénme dōu yuànyì zuò.
    I would do anything for you. 12751