每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

No.36 每日一题 Daily Quiz HSK4

【阅 读】 排列顺序:
  1. 因此养成一个好习惯需要坚持
  2. 习惯不是一天之内养成的
  3. 而改掉一个坏习惯也需要坚持

  1. yīncǐ 因此 therefore | for this reason | consequently   (HSK 4) [conj.]
  2. yǎngchéng 养成 form | cultivate   (HSK 4) [v.]
  3. jiānchí 坚持 insist on | persist in | keep up   (HSK 4) [v.]
  4. zhī (auxiliary word, used to form a grammatical structure)   (HSK 4) [sa.]
  5. nèi inner | inside   (HSK 4) [n.]
  6. ér and | but | however   (HSK 4) [conj.]
  7. diào (Verb+掉: the result of an action)   (HSK 4) []

Answers: BAC