每日中文 Daily ZhongWen

No.16 每日中文 【HSK4 - Vocabulary】 Nouns 名词

  1. zhǔyi - 主意 - opinion; idea; plan;

    Yǒuxiē niánqīngrén kěnéng bù xǐhuān zhège zhǔyì.


    Some young people might not like the idea.

  2. zhòngdiǎn - 重点 - key point;

    Nǐ méiyǒu lǐjiě tā shuō de zhòngdiǎn.


    You missed the key point of what she was saying.

  3. guānjiàn - 关键 - key point; key factor;

    Zhè shì jiějué wèntí de guānjiàn.


    It is the key factor in tackling the problem.

  4. fāzhǎn - 发展 - developing; development; growth;expansion;progress;

    Bùguò, fāzhǎn yě dàiláile xīn de wèntí hé gùlǜ.


    Growth, however, brings new problems and concerns.

  5. gǎibiàn - 改变 - change; variation;

    Rénmen jiāng tǐyàn dào shēnghuó fāngshì de gǎibiàn.


    People will experience lifestyle changes.

  6. chénggōng - 成功 - success;

    Gōngzhòng zhīchí shì zhège jìhuà qǔdé chénggōng de guānjiàn.


    Public support is the key to the success of this project.

  7. qíngkuàng - 情况 - circumstance; situation; condition; state of affair;

    Méi rén bǐ nǐ gèng liǎojiě qíngkuàng.


    Nobody understands the situation better than you.

  8. guòchéng - 过程 - process; course;

    Shībài shì xuéxí guòchéng de yībùfèn.


    Failure is a part of the learning process.

  9. rènwu - 任务 - task; assignment; mission; job; duty;

    Zhège rènwù xūyào 4 zhōu zuǒyòu de shíjiān.


    This task takes about 4 weeks.